The Devil's prey

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"Sebastian, why are you still standing here? Don't let that intruder get away!" Said Ciel. "Yes, my lord" Sebastian responded. With a leap, he jumped out of the window in search of his new prey...

Sebastian's POV:This tingling feeling in driving me mad...the more I interact with her, the more I get interested. She will certainly be a whole lot of fun. With that dangerously sweet scent, I can smell her from miles away.

Y/n POV:This is getting really interesting. That butler, how did he know that I'll be after the earl? I'm pretty sure I wore a mask that day when I was surveying the place. More importantly, he seemed to know my whereabouts no matter where I go...

With that in mind, you decided to start moving as staying in one place for too long will make it easier for him to find you. Carefully, you made it back to the mansion through the back door of the kitchen. Making sure that there's no one around, you quickly moved to another room. The ball is still going on so you must be extra careful to not attract any attention. By now, sneaking up to the earl obviously won't work anymore. Therefore, you figured that you might as well blend into the crowd and wait for your chance. Looking down, you noticed that your gown is torn apart from the fall. Suddenly, an idea came into your mind.

You looked at yourself in the mirror, satisfied with your transformation. You just tied up one of the guest and changed into her clothes. That poor lady look at with terrified place the tip of the knife at her stomach and whispered in her ear: "I'm going to remove the cloth, scream and I'll kill you." Her eyes widened, but did not dare to make a single sound when you remove the cloth stuffed in her mouth. "Now, do as I say if you don't want to die." The lady nodded rapidly, with tears in her eyes. "I want you to go back to the ball, and slowly walk towards the main entrance." "Don't you dare ask for help, I'll be watching you. Understood?" The lady nodded while trying hard not to contain her sobbing.

Moments later, when you saw that butler came back to the mansion, you instruct the lady to carry out what she was told to do. You specifically chose someone with a similar hairstyle and made her wear your dress to distract the butler. Meanwhile, you'll continue your search for your target. You decided to go out to the roof to locate the earl. You managed to open the latch of one of the windows and climbed up to the roof.

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