Game over

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Y/n decided not to burst through the door, she decided that it's too risky to make any loud noise. She must think of another way to get to the earl quitely.

But first, she must get rid of that old butler. Y/n made some noise by throwing away her pair of shoes. All the running in this pair of heels is hurting her feet. Might as well make use of it. Hearing the noise, Tanaka came out from the room. Sneaking out from the dark corner, you threw a dagger at the old butler and he dropped dead. With the limited amount of choice, you also decided kill the girl that was in the room with the earl. "Blame your luck, little girl." You thought to yourself and swiftly made your way into the room.

Sebastian's POV:This chase is giving me the adrenaline pump that Sebastian have not experience for god knows how long. "You can run, but you can never hide from a demon." I can sense her delicious soul from miles away. I hope she'll last longer... Unable to contain his excitement, Sebastian quickened his pace to where y/n is...

Y/n's POV:
In the room, I saw Ciel Phantomhive and another girl that's also around his age. Immediately, Ciel stand in front of that girl protectively. Not wasting any time, I hold up my knife and lunge at my target. That little girl grabbed my arm in an attempt to stop me. Annoyed, I threw her across the room. That girl passed out from the impact and I turn to grab the earl by his neck. With my knife in hand, I'm going to stab him in his chest. Suddenly, another hand grabbed my wrist. That "person" whispered in my ear: "Play time is over, stop this or you'll be punished; little kitten." That voice is none other than the butler...

His other hand, grabbing my neck, ready to break it at any moment. I had no choice but to drop the knife. "That's a good girl." He said. Then, his hand swiftly squeezed my mouth open and took the poisonous pill I had in my mouth to commit suicide in case the mission fails. "Ah, just like what I expected." "Sebastian..." The earl called out to his butler. The earl whispered something in his ears and ordered him to take me to the basement. So, Sebastian, is his name. All my weapons are taken away from me and I was brought to the basement...with both my hands locked in chains.

"Now my dear, tell me your real identity and the person behind this." Sebastian lifted y/n's chin and asked her. Y/n merely looked at him, deadpanned. "Well, I do not expect you spill everything so easily anyway." Before I go, I'll give you an master would like to recruit you as the Phantomhive servant." As you may have known, all the others didn't made it back alive from this mission. Your skills and bravery is what the master assured that when you're under the Phantomhive's wings, even your previous master will not be able to hurt you."

"I'm no different from the others, do whatever you want, I will not accept the offer." Y/n said. Sebastian smirked at this. "I must say, by far, you are the one that have survived the longest. No one, from your group is able to get through Meyrin and Finnian's attack. Not to mention for being able to nearly kill my master, for the second time." Please, take your time to consider my master's offer." With that, Sebastian left the basement.

Y/n pondered about Sebastian's offer...she lightly chuckled."

Black Butler Fanfic: Dangerous LiaisonWhere stories live. Discover now