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God, she was aggravating.

The sweet aroma of chocolate filled my senses,
It made me close my eyes
And think of the days of smiling,
Of running through the snow with friends,
Trying to avoid spilling the contents,
Of styrofoam cups in our hands.

Now all I felt was bitterness
And I felt the coldness of the snow.
I didn't fell the same joy from it.
To me now,
It was mere ice that was cold and wet.
It made me physically numb.
I didn't need more numbness in my life.

As I pondered,
She took a seat.
Her sweater was a coffee brown,
Making her endless eyes seem darker,
So doe like.
I noticed how hugging her jeans were,
How they shaped her legs.
How piece of her golden hair
Snuck out of her bun,
And tickled her fuzzy, rosy cheeks.

I didn't glare,
But I didn't smile.
I merely gave her a pure blank expression,
The mask I had worn for months now.

She didn't speak,
She rested her cheek on her fist and studied me,
Like I was some fascinating science experiment.
It irritated me.
She smiled with her eyes.
"Careful Jimin, you're not scowling anymore."

I scowled at her.
She laughed at me,
The sound was one that belonged to angels,
Something that wasn't from this world.
She winked,
I startled.
She told me to enjoy my hot chocolate,
I ignored her and looked at my fists.

That was when I realised,
There wasn't black coffee in front of me,
It hasn't been since the day of the power outage

You were slipping away.

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