Chapter 1

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It all started at the royal mine, where the miners informed the queen that the gold had run out. The widowed queen was shocked. The kingdom was now bankrupt. How was she going to take care of her people?

If only she could call on her trusted adviser Preminger, but he was away on a long journey. She needed to do something quickly to save the kingdom, but what?

Scheduler: Hoo! We're late, late, late! We have twenty, maximum, twenty-two minutes, for your royal fitting! And then it's move, move, move to your speech at the Historical Society! After that we have to rush, and I mean, rush, to the Horticultural Society Tea! Oh, and then there's your math lessons, your geography lessons, your science lessons...

The Princess whispered...

Anneliese: All my life I've always wanted to have one day just for me. Nothing to do and for once nowhere I need to be. With no lessons, lords, or lunches, or 'to do' list in the way. No one to say when to eat or read or leave or stay. That would be the day...

In the other hand, Erika craves a different sort of freedom as she is an indentured servant at Madam Carp's Dress Enporium to work off her parents debt but dreamed of becoming a Singer

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In the other hand, Erika craves a different sort of freedom as she is an indentured servant at Madam Carp's Dress Enporium to work off her parents debt but dreamed of becoming a Singer.

Erika: All my life I've always wanted to have one day for myself. Not waking up with a pile of work on every shelf. With no hems in need of pressing, and no sleeves in disarray. No wedding gown with a thousand stitches to crochet. And no debt to pay.

Erika: (Gasp) Madam Carp!

Madame Carp: What do you think I'm running here? A cabaret?

Erika: I would've said a debtor's prison.

Madame Carp: Keep laughing! You'll be working for me for another thirty-seven years!

Erika: But I've already paid off more than half!

Madame Carp: But there's an interest, isn't there? Your parents should've thought of that before they borrowed so much.

Erika: They did it to feed me!

Madame Carp: Their mistake!

Madame Carp: Their mistake!

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