Chappie One

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POV 'Jorge

Today we will have our last concert in Buenos Aires.

Ruggero is still practing his new song while i am laying here on the cough daydreaming and looking at him.

''Ey Jorge Bro didnt you listen?"  "JORGEEE?" Screamed ruggero while i shaked my head and looked back at him and yelled back "WHAT?" "Didnt you heard what i said? he asked ,

i told him "sorry Bro i wasnt with my head here, today is our last show i cant believe that our tour is over now almost" "yeah i saw you wasnt here with your head bro but dont think like that ,we have our school we dance and sing always we wont stop, we promissed eatchother that it will be Jorgerro till the end that we wont stop dancing and singing together"he answered back as i stand up walked to him and Brohugged  him thight and he my back .

When we heard the voice of some fans we backed off and changed our clothes to our stage clothes.

POV ' Martina

I , my parents and my brother were sitting in the garden while i was texting with Cande and our new friend Beautiful. Her name was Beautiful as her self and we were proud on her. she has Short Beautiful hair what did shine like gold in the sunshine. She is some 6 months younger as us but that didn't matter for us. We were texting about the concert were she would bring me and Cande to. She told us that it was her bestfriend and that she and her boyfriend Diego, they look Dietiful theire ship name and perfect together and got some free tickets and they asked us. I wanned to go and change my clothes but my dad stopped me and said "look out for what you gonna wear if you will come late home again" "i will dad"answered i and runned upstairs to change my clothes in some white pant with a white top and crulled my hair and maked a ponytail of it. i did some make- up and i wanned to go downstairs but saw Cande and Beautiful jaw dropped at me and giggled "do i look so ugly?" i asked them , "we would be  give you an answer and tell you that your crazy if you think that " "but we have to go " i agree and agree" said Diego smirked while Beautiful gived him a litttle slap behind his head and we all laughed.
We went to The car and drived to The concert.
When we came there we all walked in and took our place and waited till it started.

POV ' Beautiful

I went back stage to look at Jorge and Rugge and helped them with The last things . Cande Diego and Tini did Follow me and i walked with Jorge to them . "Jorge this are Cande , Martina and Like u already know Diego " i Said while he did shake his hand with them . "Nice to meet u , u can call me Tini " Martina Said while he and Jorge did shake their hands. " Nice to meet u to Tini" he smiled . Rugge came and he looked at Cande while she was looking back at him . "Rugge this are Candelaria ,Martina and like u know Diego " I said while they did shake their hands. " u can call me Cande " Cande said while they were shaking their hands. "Well we have to go we Will see u guys , i hope u guys Will like and enjoy it " jorge Said while he and Rugge did walk away. "That were Rugge and jorge" Said i while Cande and tini did look after them and asked in the same time " have they a girlfriend " . I and Diego started to laugh and took them with us to out VIP places and the concert did start.

POV ' Ruggero

The concert did start and we did our thing. It hurts that this Will be our last show for a time. I saw her and i couldnt stop thinking about her. The way she did look at me did something with me that i never have felt before. She looks at me the whole time while i am singing and dancing here . I love that way Damn. Whats this whats happening whit me and what am i feeling . I cant stopt thinking about her even why im standing and singing here for more than 10.000 people with My Best friend and Brother Jorge . I started to look and sing to her as i saw that she became Red And started even to blush. Damn how cute can she be and why is she so beautiful . I think i know it . This what i feel its something i feel for the first time .
Its Love..!!!

Hey Guys . this was my first Chapter i actually Think i did it bad and that i am bad in writing . I am sorry that i couldnt upload it before like i told bc i did got Some problems in real life and my school did start 2 days Ago . Im sorry for it really. Im Sorry
Let me know what u think about it🙆
Love u guys,


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2016 ⏰

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