Chapter 3: Calm your tits, and get back out there

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Picture to the side is Donna :)

Chapter 3: Calm your tits, and get back out there

You know the saying 'Sleep will always subdue the rage' well that's a load of bull. I woke this morning even angrier then the night before. I mean how can someone be so selfish and cruel to post something like that on facebook.

Swarms of comments came coming in calling Donna a slut and Kyle a legend. How the fuck is he a legend. He cheated on HIS girlfriend and Donna's the slut. People these days..

I tried ringing Donna because I knew she'd be upset but she wouldn't answer. I feel so angry right now.

I didn't have to guess that Donna wouldn't be in today so I texted perri.

Me: perri, are you coming in today?

A  few minutes later Perri texted back.

Perri: yeah, did u go on fb recently?

Me: yeah, ill talk to you in school :)

With that I threw my phone on the bed and got ready for school.

I ran down the stairs to the kitchen. I still had 30 minutes before I need to leave so grabbed a bowl of cereal. I looked around, The place was empty as usual.

Lets just say my house isn't small. Considering it has 22 well sized rooms its the opposite of small.

And since my parents are constantly working or going on business trips, I'm here alone 90% of the time. Well actually we have cleaning staff but they only arrive week days when I'm in school.

At first, It was quite lonely and scary but once you get used to it its alright. I don't need to depend on anyone but myself.

After eating my cereal I made my way outside. I breathed in the fresh air. Get ready Taylor because todays gonna be a rocky ride.

 I arrived at the school 45 minutes before the bell was due to ring, so I parked my car and just sat in it and closed my eyes. I'm tired, like really tired. I got less then 2 hours sleep last night because I was reeling with hatred for Kyle.

I didn't realise that I drifted off until I felt someone tug on my arm. My eyes fluttered open to reveal my very sexy boyfriend.

"Babe, wake up, schools about to start.." Nick tugged on my arm and I groaned loudly.

"Fuck! what time is it?" I asked while yawning. Nick looked at his watch.

"8:55" he said. I had 5 minutes to get my books ready and get to class. I guess killing Kyle can wait till later.

"Sorry I'm late Ms, I was...." she interrupted me.

"Yes yes, Just take your seat, Miss Wilks" she said in a dismissive tone.

"Carly Boyd"


"John Baker"


"sherly Conner"


"Kyle Carter"

"Not in, miss" Blake Mattuews voice rang out. Kyle's best friend. My head snapped up at that comment. The little dickhead. He makes a complete show of Donna and me and then doesn't even show up the next day for the consequences. Well screw him. I'm gonna find that little coward and kill him.

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