A "Normal" Day

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Don't own Hetalia.

Hello Brooklyn, hey LA. Take the streets all night 'cause we sleep all day. When the world comes down-

I slap my alarm, tiredly. I then groan, mumbling things like 'I hate people' and 'Fairy Tail was so not worth staying up for'.

I sit up, rubbing my eyes. I turn on my bed, yawning slightly. I grab my phone, walking to the kitchen. Like usual, Arthur sits at the table.

"Mornin' love." He smiles. I stare at him, blinking slowly. "Morning Arthur." I stretch my arms while walking over to the tea.

"So, whens the family get together?" He ask, eyeing my movements. "August 4." I answer, putting two packets of sugar in my tea. "That's only a week!"

I nod, yawning. "We did get the invitation three days ago, Arthur." I glance at him with a small smile. He stares at me. I don't why, but my cheeks heat up. It's because I'm so awkward, isn't it?

I smile at him, causing him to blush a tiny bit. Probably cause I caught him staring. That's right, mister Britain, it's rude to stare!


Man, I have to get more sleep. I drink my tea, squinting at him. "Hey Anna?" I raise an eyebrow at him. "Are you feeling alright?" I put my tea cup in the sink. "Yes, just tired, why?"

"You look flushed." I feel my forehead. "I'm fine, Arthur!" I grin, walking out of the kitchen. I switch on my phone and pick a song.

I start to strip, and I skip a song. Then Hello Brooklyn comes on. I squeal, jumping into the shower. Ever since my friend showed me that song, I've been in love with it.

After my shower, I get dressed in the work wear. It's like something you would wear out of an anime. A summer dress with pink roses all over it, a light blue jean jacket, and some brownish ankle boots. The dress stops at my knees, so I'm ok with wearing it.

I don't like dresses. At all.

I grab my phone and my wallet, shoving them into my jacket pocket.

I put my hair in a pony tail and grab my glasses, slipping them on. Then I walk out of my room, yawning once again.

I'm never going to watch Fairy Tail at 1 anymore, I'll just go to bed.

As you probably guessed, I'm obsessed with two animes. Hetalia and, newly added, Fairy Tail. Makayla says I get to attached to animes.

It's not my fault that I like anime people more than real people. I think it might be an anime freak problem.

Plus, I know there's plenty of people who have the same feelings about their animes.

I walk into the living room, seeing Alfred on the couch, mumbling to himself. I grin slightly.

"Morning Alfred." I say, surprising the male. He looks at me, mumbling a response.

I nod, pretending I heard what he said and grabbing Justin's truck keys.

"I'm leaving, be back at 3!" I call out as I run to the door. Hearing a few 'bye's, I go to the truck.


"I'm sorry, sir, but like I said a minute ago, we are out of that cake." I say as kindly as I can. The "work" smile is still on my lips, but on the verge of dropping. This old fart doesn't understand any word coming out of my mouth.

"Well then, if that's the way you're going to be, I'm leaving!" He storms out of the café causing a sigh of relief to come from my lips.

"Wow, Anna, you have such a way with people." Oliver laughs, slapping my shoulder. I roll my eyes, tucking a curly hair behind my ear.

"I'm telling you, I can't socialize with real people." I say.

"Says the girl with foreign exchange students living with her." I glance slightly at him. Then I push my glasses up.

"It helps when they are equally idiotic as you."

"So you're calling all your friends idiots?"

"Not all of them, just you."

He glares, opening his mouth, but Rose's voice interrupts. "What are you two doing?" She asks.

"Talking about how idiotic Ollie is." I grin, pushing up my glasses again. She nods. "I have to agree with you, Oliver is an idiot."


We giggle as the bell rings. "Welcome to Rose Café!" We all yell with smiles.

Well, Oliver's still pouting.

"Huh?" I blink.

"Well, hola chica!" Antonio greets with a grin. "Hello unawesome one." Gilbert says with a smirk. "Hello moi cher!" Francis winks.

The Bad Touch Trio is at my café... What the hell?

"How did you three even find this café?" I ask as I lead them to a table.

"Is that anyway to treat you visitors, miss?" Gilbert smirks.

Miss? What the hell? I roll my eyes. "What do you want?"

"Food." Antonio says bluntly with a smile.

"Couldn't you get it at home?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm to lazy to make myself food, unawesome one."

"Why are you suddenly calling me 'unawesome one'?" I ask with a frown.

"You're unawesome."

Again, I roll my eyes. "Whatever, what kind of food to you want?"

"I don't know, what do you have?"


Antonio suddenly giggles. Yes, giggles. "What kind of food?"

"The kind you eat."

"Fine. surprise us." I smile and turn to go to the kitchen. Oliver is the first to confront me.

"Those are the guys you live with?" He demands as I grab 3 slices of chocolate cake.

"3 of them." I answer with a grin.

I pick up the plates and raise an eyebrow. "Is that all?"

Rose then jumps out of the freezer. "Can I date one of them?"

I stare at her. "I guess so, but I don't suggest those three." I smile, walking to the trio's table.

"Here," I give them their plates," Please enjoy."

They each take a bite, then the whole thing. "Careful, don't choke."

"As if!" Gilbert laughs and I raise an eyebrow as he starts to cough. "You were saying?" I smirk.

"..Shut up."


I walk into the house with the three dimwits, giggling at something they said. I sigh, throwing the keys into the dish.

"Welcome back." Arthur says as I throw myself onto the couch. "Yeah, hi."

"You seem tired."

"The trio really drains me."

He nods, sipping his tea.

I turn to the TV. Then Arthur spits his tea.

"Come again!?"


Helllooooo~! How's it a going? It's been...6 days, hasn't it? I've been real busy! *coughbullshitcough* OK, I've been watching Fairy Tail and stuff...I and I had to come up with a chapter!

Also other things!

Anywho, if you haven't seen Fairy Tail, I suggest you watch it, one of the awesomest animes I've seen. Grey's mine, oh and Natsu. But I can share!

*cough, cough* Anyways *smiles* Comment? Vote? Fan? Follow?

Oliver on the side(Don't own the picture)

Hoped you enjoyed! *waves*

The Idiotic Adventures Of Anna Parker (Hetalia FanFic) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now