14% demigod

713 33 33

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"Wow," Thalia muttered.
"Apollo is hot."
"He's the sun god," I said.
"That's not what I meant."
- The Titan's Curse

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Luke, no matter how strange it was, felt bothered by the stares of that guy that was with Mr. D and Chiron a while ago.

He kept on grinning at Luke whenever he sees him. Calum would always bring him back to reality when the person does so.

"Ugh," Calum huffed out, lying on the bunk they were given. "This might sound weird, but I miss Michael."

"My Malum heart," Ashton joked, earning a slap on the biceps from Calum.

Calum's palm stung after that, making him wince in pain.

"That dude is really creeping me out," Luke opened. "His eyes felt like darts."

"You are just being paranoid, Luke-y," Calum reasoned. "I mean, we are in a weird place after all and it gives me the serious willies."

Ashton snorted. "Serious willies? Where did you get that, Cal?"

"Somewhere I read from," his face turned glum. "Home."

Everybody was silent for a moment. Luke remembered home, Ben and Jack and he hated the sick feeling in his stomach knowing that these two are just stepbrothers. He thought of his parents and it sickened him to know that one of them might not actually be Luke's parent.

Still, despite that, Luke still wanted to go home.

There was another pregnant pause and Ashton spoke up. "Okay, let's find a bright side here."

Calum imitated the way Ashton snorted a while ago. "Hmm, let's see, we're in a messy cabin with sweaty campers, we're stuck with wearing these boring orange t-shirts, Michael well we'll never know but he might be recruited in the dark side already, nobody recognizes us here in this cabin, and we're sleeping in two beds when we are actually three."

"That sounded like complaints to me," Ashton said.

"Well what do you expect?" Calum snapped.

"Also, that guy is still bothering me," Luke said. "He kept on smiling at me."

Calum shrugged. "Maybe he likes you," then his face lit up. "Or maybe he's a fan and he recognizes us and you are his favorite in the band!"

"Quit that, Cal," Luke spoke. "If he was a fan, then shouldn't he be over here talking to us?"

Ashton let out a whistle. "Stop overgeneralizing, Hemmings. Maybe he's shy."

"Shy my ass, I saw him talking to various people outside after Michael got claimed," Luke replied. "Speaking of Michael, do you want to check on him?"

"But Travis said not to leave because dinner would come soon," Ashton protested. I knew he wanted to stay, Luke thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2017 ⏰

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