Getting To Know The Neighbors

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Natalie POV~

When we finished packing, I went upstairs to my new room and sprawled out across the bed. Then my sweet Chloe comes in.

"Nattie. Can we make cookies"?

She is too adorable how can you not love her? Chloe is 4. Has beautiful long blonde hair, ocean blue eyes, and a smile to make any person's day.

"Okay Sweetie, lets go make some cookies"

So we go into the kitchen which was really big and got out flour, eggs milk, chocolate chips, and baking pans.

20- 30 minutes later.....

"Nattie. These are really good"!

"Thank you ChloeBug".

"Do you think we could take some to the neighbors across the street? That really cute boy seemes to like you".

"Ha. Yea. Right Chloe."

"I'm serious Sissy".

"You know Chloe, okay lets go".

So me and chloe go across the street to the neighbors house.
I ring the doorbell and guess who answered? Dustin. He was wearing a black v neck t shirt, red basketball shorts, black under armour slides, and a snapback.

Hi. I smiled at him

Hey. He smiled back

Chloe pulls at my shirt. Uuhhh hello. She says geturing toward the bowl of cookies

Oh yea. Me and chloe made you and your family cookies. Hope you like them.

Wow thanks. But aren't i supposes to be the one bringing welcome to the neighborhood gifts?

I laugh nervously.

Would you like to come in

Uhh. I don't know.

Come on I won't try anything. You have my word. Just for 5 measly minutes and you can leave.

Oh. Alright. 5 minutes.

Cool. He flashes a smile.

Nice house. I said in complete awe.

Thanks Doll.

Don't call me Doll. I said blushing mad hard.

Alright Doll.

Stop it.

Will you stop flirting and just say he's cute already? My sister Chloe chimes in.

I laughed nervously.

So is the little angel right? You think I'm cute?

Well. Uhh. You aight.

He doesn't say anything. He just stares at me.

Why are yiu staring at me like that?

I don't know it's just......

Just what Kole?

You're really beautiful.

Really? You mean that?

I wouldnt have saud if i didnt mean Natalie. Youre the most beautiful girl ive ever met. And i also really like you even thiugh we just met. God i sound like complete girl.

Well thats sweet. And i like you too. And no you dindnt sound like a girl.

Huh? I hought that was an inside thought?

You were thinking out loud.

Oh. Sorry.

Its cool.

Sissy we have to go.

Ok ChloeBug 

He Likes Black Girls  (Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora