The Truth Hurts: Draco X Reader

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You and Draco held hands, walking into the Great Hall together for breakfast. Pansy, whose eyes had been lingering on the doors awaiting Draco's arrival, glared in annoyance at the sight. Even though you had been dating him since third year, Pansy didn't think she would ever get used to the sight of a Gryffindor on the arm of her Slytherin crush.

She had tried endlessly to get Draco to end things with you since you got together, and it had almost worked at the beginning of the relationship: she attempted to convince him that even if he did like you, the lingering presence of your friends - Harry, Ron and Hermione - just wasn't worth it. With Draco's intense hatred for Potter, he had almost agreed.

He confided in you that he didn't exactly get along with your friends (adding that he couldn't believe you would hang around with that mudblood Granger), but unfortunately for Pansy, this minor bump in the road only ended up making your relationship stronger.

You told him that you wouldn't stop hanging out with your friends just because he had prejudices against them, and that if he was letting it affect the relationship that much, he needed to grow up.
Draco had found your loyalty to your friends (as well as your fearless ability to stand up to him) admirable. Since then, you two had basically been inseparable, and even if he wasn't thrilled about your friends he made sure to keep his comments to a minimum.

Looking at the two of you smile at each other lovingly, watching Draco take a seat next to you at the Gryffindor table - it was almost enough to send Pansy's breakfast back up onto her plate.

"Some pure-blood she is," Pansy scoffed as she watched you wave to Hermione from across the table.

Millicent laughed quietly beside her.

"What? What's so funny?" Pansy questioned, irritated.

"Nothing, I just - I thought of something funny. If (Y/N) wasn't actually pure-blood, could you imagine Draco's reaction?"

"That's-" Pansy paused. She had been about to ridicule Millicent for thinking about such an impossible scenario, but realized that her daydreaming may not have been all that far-fetched. "Millicent you're a genius!"

"I...What?" Millicent asked in confusion, but her friend was already up from the table and halfway out of the Great Hall, preparing to do some research on the girl who had stolen Draco's heart.


Draco wrapped an arm around you, protecting you from the cold winter breeze as you two walked towards the school entrance. The sun was on its way down for the night, the sky beginning to darken behind you as you opened one of the large oak doors.

"I don't suppose Dumbledore's considered serving hot chocolate tonight by any chance?" you hoped aloud, following your boyfriend into the warm and inviting entrance hall.

"We can only hope," he smiled. "Bloody unfair making us go out in weather like this if you ask me."

You walked hand in hand into the Great Hall, just as you had that morning. Only this time, Pansy was prepared and waiting for you.

Just as you and Draco had gotten halfway across the room, she sauntered up to the two of you, a triumphant smirk planted on her face.

"Oh, hello Pansy," Draco greeted the girl, and you gave her a polite smile, which she did not return. You knew his friends weren't fond of you, but you tried to be pleasant with them anyway.

The chatter of the Great Hall seemed quieter than usual, and as you looked around you realized that not a single word was being said at the Slytherin table - they were all eyeing you in anticipation. Their silence didn't go unnoticed by the other house tables, and they began to look on with curiosity as well, conversations coming to an end in confusion.

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