Mutual Interests: young! Sirius X Reader

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"Oh sh-" the rest of Sirius's exclamation was cut off by the sound of a dozen or so cauldrons crashing to the floor. His hip had bumped into the stack near Slughorn's desk while walking up to place his finished potion on the teachers desk.

Professor Slughorn looked at the situation with an amused expression, until he realized who had caused the disruption. Sirius Black wasn't exactly one of his better students- just last week he had stolen a flask of felix felicis, but Slughorn, unable to prove it was him, couldn't give any punishment.

Naturally, he saw this accident as the perfect opportunity to administer a penalty for the thievery.


"Yes, Professor?" Sirius asked, feigning innocence and causing you to grin in admiration of the boys audacity. Students were beginning to leave the classroom, but you slowed in packing away your things, wanting to see the situation unfold.

"I've had enough of your clumsiness! I want these cauldrons hand cleaned by you before you go up to dinner," he ordered.

Sirius's cocky grin turned quickly into a look of disbelief. "Professor, I'll be here all night!"

"If you're lucky you'll be able to catch dessert," Slughorn said, hinting at what the cruel disciplining was actually for.

Sirius, realizing why he was being so severely punished for a simple mistake, rolled his eyes. He knew there was no getting out of it now. "Yes, Professor."

"(Y/L/N)!" Slughhorn called from the doorway, and it was then that you realized you were the only student remaining. "Coming up to dinner?"

"Oh, right. Yes, I'll be there in a minute," you smiled at him, and he nodded, heading off for the Great Hall.

"You're right you know," you set your bag down on your chair, walking up to the front of the room where Sirius was now grabbing one of the cauldrons. "You will be here all night."

"Yes, thank you for that-" he stopped his sarcasm when he saw you pick up a cauldron as well. "What are you doing?"

"Helping you, obviously. Now where does he keep rags for this, anyway?" you asked, looking through some of the cabinets.

"You don't have to do that, you know. I mean I know you Hufflepuffs get off on that sort of thing- helping others or whatever- but I wouldn't want to hold you back from dinner."

"How typically Gryffindor of you," you countered, "such chivalry."

He smiled, enjoying your sense of humor. "Touche. I'm Sirius, by the way."

"Trust me, I think everyone at Hogwarts knows who you are," you replied, knowing he was quite popular for all the daring (and slightly ridiculous) things he did. "I'm (Y/N)."

You passed him a rag, and you two began to scrub in a comfortable silence. Something on your wrist caught SIrius's eye, and he did a double take before exclaiming, "Is that a Puddlemere United bracelet?"

"Oh, yeah," you said, grinning proudly, "got it at Hogsmeade last trip."

"They're doing quite well lately! Drastic turn around from last season," Sirius recalled, pretending to shiver in disgust at the memory.

"Hey, don't be so hard on them! Half their best players were injured in that match against Falmouth," you defended.

"That's true," Sirius nodded, impressed with your knowledge of the sport.

There was a pause in conversation before you gained enough confidence to continue.

"Can I ask you something?" you began, one question lurking in your mind.

"Be my guest."

"Did you really steal the felix felicis?"

Sirius smiled, nodding shamelessly, "Of course."

"What are you going to use it for?" you asked, laughing at the fact that he didn't seem to care it cost him an evenings dinner.

He shrugged, pursing his lips as he thought. "No idea, actually. Just figured it might come in handy at some point."

You grinned, shaking your head. "You've got nerve, Black."

"Nerve enough to ask you to Hogsmeade?" he asked playfully.

"I would hope so," you replied, grinning.

"Alright then, how bout it? You and me, this weekend. Maybe you can show me where you got that bracelet and I'll buy you a butterbeer in return."

"I'd like that," you said, a light blush dusting your cheeks.


You were quite excited for your date with the outgoing troublemaker, but not as much as the boy himself. Despite his confident and indifferent exterior, every time he thought of you, Sirius felt a jolt of adrenaline run through his veins.

How had he never noticed the attractive Hufflepuff before? And how was it that he now found himself imagining scenarios about your date in his head, that the reason he could no longer focus in lessons was you?

You two had continued to talk over the next few days, both anticipating the weekend with greater impatience with every note passed, every moment of eye contact, every smile as you walked by each other in the halls.

Saturday came at last, and you woke that morning with a smile on your face. You had always thought that Sirius was funny, not to mention handsome, but you never imagined he would be interested in you- let alone enough to ask you to Hogsmeade.

You and he met up in the Entrance Hall after eating breakfast, and you couldn't help the smile on your face as you saw him walk towards you, saying a quick goodbye to his friends.

"Excited?" he asked, exuding a confidence that he wasn't sure he truly felt at that moment. He could feel his face warm as he looked into your eyes.

"A little," you shrugged playfully.

He grabbed hold of your hand; the feeling made you look away sheepishly as a light blush rose from your cheeks up to your ears. You walked out of the large entrance way, following other couples and groups of friends who were headed out as well.

You spent the day together, going to the shop where you bought your bracelet and picking up several more pieces of merchandise- all of which Sirius insisted on paying for. When you sat down for a rest in The Three Broomsticks, Sirius boldly held your hand on top of the table as you two chattered away about whatever topics came to mind.

As it turned out, you had more in common with Sirius than you had ever expected. You had bonded over your love of the same bands, as well as your mutual hatred for the same subjects and teachers at school.

Sirius relished in your laughter; it only made telling jokes all the more gratifying. You were beautiful when you smiled and the sparkle in your eye when you found something funny only made him want to amuse you all the time. This was the reason he was so thankful that he had plenty of stories to tell, thanks to his many out-of-line adventures.

"I cannot believe you actually did that!" you exclaimed after another tale of his troublesome deeds.

"Oh that's just the surface of the crazy things I've been through," he laughed. "Although I can't take all the credit- James is known for initiating a lot of wild stuff too."

"You really are something, Sirius. I don't think I've ever met someone so fearless," you admitted.

"Well I've got plenty more stories- but maybe it'd be more fun if you experienced some of the excitement first hand. I don't suppose you'd let me take you out again? I could show you all the hidden passages in the school; that'd make for an interesting date," he suggested.

"I would love that," you laughed, knowing that with Sirius, the inevitable relationship would be anything but boring.

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