I will not die this easy

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"GIVE UP AMERICA YOU WONT WIN THIS WAR!" The Confederate state of america blares out with venom lacing his voice.

America Glares at the Confederate determination lacing his aura as he uses his gun to support his weight.America  breaks into a weak sprint as he tries to catch the enemy off guard only for another bullet to go through his shoulder.A scream barges it's way out of america's throat as he stumbles back trying to regain his balance.

"Look at you!" The Confederate Starts."You can barely dodge a measly bullet.Face it you union scum,You are going to loose this war.".

America looks at the ground his blond hair irritating a cut that litters his cheek while tears made sure to infect the wound with a lethal sting.His determination Growing at a fast pace while his body grows weaker.America Knew he was loosing.The week feeling growing in his gut only proved this statement.

Yet,America Refused to let the Confederate win.

"I won't let you win.No matter what I will make sure I Destroy you.You are the dark I'm the light.Your the Villain and I'm the hero." America Finally states Giving not only himself but the rest of his army a very powerful confidence boost.
This didn't seem to faze the Confederate tho.In fact this only made the smirk that was already glued to his face grow bigger.
The Said male walked closer to the weak american as the sound of Guns along with  agonizing screams of pain and agony  echo the sky while the smell of iron wrapped around the air.Blood stained the land with it's all to familiar scarlet red while bodies of fallen soldiers poisons the Confederates view.

     The confederate steps over the body of a union soldier.In one quick stride the smirking contry grabs the chin of the weak and frail american,making the said american stare straight into the eyes of his enemy.

"I must ask you a question old friend."the gray clothed soldier smirks out.The smirking enemy only got a glare from the american.
"Someone once told me that to win a war you must do everything even if it means to become a monster them self. Would you really become a monster just to win this war you lost to since the beginning?"
The American let's this sink in as he starts to think.
'Do I really want to become a monster?' He thought.
America wanted his people to be free no matter what but,What would happen?
Would he never be able to become his old Self? What would his friends think?How would England take this?How would Canada take this?
"No!'The american thought.'Don't think about the others your country is more important america no matter what you will defeat this son of a B****!'
   With that the American stood up a need wave of strength overcame him as his vision started to get smothered with a bright red.

Because of this new found strength the Confederate stumbled back a bit, Shock Killing the smirk he had on his over confident form.
"I will do anything for my country.Even if it means Becoming a monster for good." as The american was talking, somber Red was Seeping into the blonds once baby blue iris,his hair Turing scarlet red from the roots.A New,intimidating Aura replaced his carefree aura as a smirk grows onto his new found features.

The Confederate Didn't want to admit it but he was slightly scared.With one glance these two went into a brawl.

Their Bodies Crashed and collide as the added scars and cuts to the other's skin.It was as if they were dancing for death.Footsteps almost in sync but still made it look like a elegant dance. Guns moving to create scares on the others skin as blood trailed down to prove they were hitting each other.Pain or Very brief victory visited their face with each blow they would strike.The cries of of fallen soldiers and guns rang through the air like music as other soldiers moved to the rhythm with them.
    They were neck to neck before all of a sudden america Bashed the Confederate country in the head with his gun.The Country was shocked as it showed clear as day in his eyes.The Country fell to the ground with a thump as he weakly tries to stand up again.

     The country looks up to america fear clearly showing in his eyes.The American only smirked as he approached the shivering form of the- soon to be like holy Rome-Country.As the Insane country Raised his gun as to finish the shivering country A Small voice inside his head screamed for him to stop.

The American was shocked at first as he heard this voice but,He instantly put it to the side as he raised his gun to bash the enemy's head in once more.

America Stared into the eyes of the Frighted country something holding him from Killing this country.
     America didn't know what to do Should he kill The country or not.

Suddenly the voice in his head speaks again.

(And that is where you decided whether you want it to be happy or sad no worry i'm gonna make a happy ending and a sad ending I just like leaving people on cliffhangers)

I Wont Die this easy (An America Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now