Sad Ending

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"Don't kill him." The Voice pleads.

Slowly America Lowers his gun.His eyes Turing back into an all to innocent shade of Baby blue While his hair bleached it's self back into a Dirty blond.America's Features softened as the smirk that once adored his face vanished into thin air.

     America Drops his Gun As he Holds out a hand for the Frighten Country to take.
The country Looked at America with shock lingering in his eyes but it is soon replaced with an unknown emotion.
The Weak country takes the american's hand,a smile lingering on his face However,Instantly the country is grabbed by some soldiers.The Country's once pleasant smile turns into a wicked frown as he looks over at America.

"What are they doing?"The Confederate asked.

America Simply Shrugged before mumbling out how their just making sure this never happens again.

     The Confederate is slowly taken away from the american while a plot to get revenge lingers in his mind.

~The year is now 2016~

America Laughs as he was hanging out with Canada but soon a tiny voice in his mind Starts screaming at the american.

The american grips his head the ice cream he had in his hand falling to the ground as he let's out a pain filled groan.
"He has returned dimwit he is going to kill you." The tiny voice states.

America didn't know what the voice who called himself Allen meant.America Closes his eyes as e tries to picture who Allen was talking about but,he came up with zilch.

     Canada stares at America concern lingering in his violet colored hues.Canada Bends down to america's height (sense America was crouch) And places a warm inviting hand on America's right  shoulder.
America looks up and flashes Canada a Lop-sided smile.America and Canada start to walk to the world meeting place as america's headache grew 10x worse. 

America was starting to grow concern but for now he has to brush it off.

~Time Skip to the world meeting~

Things went on like normal until the ring tone that no one has ever heard before Starts to fill the loud room with it's urgency making all the countries go silent.Everyone looks around trying to find the source of the ringtone only to realize it was america's.
   America smiled a Sheepish smile before he went outside to take the call.

"Hello....Old Friend" A All too famillar voice calls out.

America Turns around slowly only to be met with the same Cold Hues he has seen too many times in the civil war.
"Y-You E-Escaped?America Stutters out not really Prepared to fight the Confederate.
The confederate only smirks at the nervous Country.
"Are you that Surprised to see me old friend?" The Country states amusement lacing his voice.
"H-How?" America Asks trying to back his way towards the door.

"well...You guys left me at that abandoned prison of yours how was I not to escape?" The Country states boredom lacing his words.America could stay to find out why the Country was here so he Ran inside the building.

     Just as america Reached the Room the meeting was being held in A Sharp pain erupts from America Back then towards the front.Looking down america notices a Bullet went right through his stomach.Shocked Coursed it's way through america's veins as he puts a hand on the wound.

     Before America got the chance to react to this situation another pain flared up from his back then towards his heart.
Before america could even stop it a Scream of pain Erupted from his Throat.
     The Confederate only stared at the american a smirk present on his face as he crouches down and whispers into america's ear
"I won't Die that easily."
America's last thought before he went into a eternal slumber was

'Why didn't I kill him?'

(And their you have it folks the sad ending to I wont die that easily)

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