Switzerland - 21 guns

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...21 guns by Greenday

I glance at my crush , Vash Swingli.Ive grown a liking to the hot headed swiss boy for an unknown reason. Ive just felt attracted to him , good thing me and Lilli were close.Darn I hope he returns the feelings or else I just wasted my time here.The crowd cheers for me and I sigh.

"Do you know what's worth fighting for,

When it's not worth dying for?

Does it take your breath away

And you feel yourself suffocating?

Does the pain weigh out the pride?

And you look for a place to hide?

Did someone break your heart inside?

You're in ruins..."

The next part will give away a very LARGE hint to who it is.JG is the only one who knew who it was and in return I know her feelings for Kiku.Were just that close aren't we??Welp here goes nothing no turning back now.

"One, twenty one guns

Lay down your arms

Give up the fight

One, twenty one guns

Throw up your arms into the sky,

You and I"

By this time everybody knew who it was.Who else has an addiction for guns?well except for JG cuz she and Vash are cousins.Gilbert approached Vash and patted his back and laughing and Lilli was smiling at me mouthing that she wants me to be her step sister.Damn you're too early Lilli.Vash looks at me and blushes while keeping a straight face and I gave him a worried look.I soon continue the song.

"When you're at the end of the road

And you lost all sense of control

And your thoughts have taken their toll

When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul

Your faith walks on broken glass

And the hangover doesn't pass

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