Untitled Part 2

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loves theres a like a  i was distraceed i can't even tell you everything that you told me, josh for rthe love of god give us a story, ha ha ha ha crosses his legsa and ssmile there once was a time and that imt ins now, one harry potter refersace and two characaters names , it's now and there is al ove thingwit hlosdt yaning his chaine, it was steamy casue he was in a steam room with old men and his morther, right before he came he awaske up from nightmear, can he tell harry? what i dreamed? flahses him in the night what apears to be an owl , was real he whwho can't be named, it's harryhs stalker ex . pizahut sudenly she never stoped stalking after he dumperd her for suaske, he was okj hcause he hasd gui.lty dreams, harrry woke up , not noihgn that he was a awake too. hugry for deep void that would fill him.  he broke up with her stalker ex. it's a legist story. so when you read it's its good. the emotional void was a grilled cheas sandwerich. it made him powerfull. even hen sauske was inide him. he went to the ckigthcen. there was no cheese. so he went to a sleeping sausage. and quiver his quill to hlep suske cum. not playfuly mind you. he work up and said is it youi mother? ..... hary said...what? 

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