Through My Twin's Eyes ~Ch. 11~

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Chapter 11 is here!! :)

This whole chapter is in Addy's POV.

Chapter 12 will all be in Emma's POV.

Get excited right now!! :-D hehe.

Chapter 11

~Addison's POV~

I ran through the front doors of the Emergency Room and saw my mom standing there waiting for me; actually waiting for Emma.

"MOM!" I yelled running to her. "Is she okay!?"

My mom had been crying a lot already. Her eyelids were swollen and red.

"She's okay," She said. "She's been asking for you and for you alone." She eyed Devin behind me.

"Devin's going with me," I said protestingly. "I know Addy wouldn't mind." I lied.

"I'll take you." She grabbed my wrist and led me down the hall and around a couple of corners. We stopped at a closed door.

I reached for the door when my mom stopped me.

"Emma," she said staring into my eyes. "Addison was talking a lot in her sleep and I want to ask you a question."

"Okay," I said impatiently. I had to see Emma now!

"Well, she kept saying 'I can't let them do this to Addy'." Her eyes dropped to the floor. "Actually she was screaming it. Did you have any clue what she's talking about?" She was looking back into my eyes.

"No," I said. "But I'll find out."

When I went to grab the door it opened from the other side. A cop stepped out of the room and closed the door behind him. He was tall and serious. His eyes fell upon me.

"You must be Emma," he said holding out his hand. "I'm Detective Roller." I shook his hand politely. "I'm going to hunt down the men that did this to your sister." His voice was harsh, but towards the men not me.

"The men that did this to her?" I was in complete shock. "Men HURT her?!" My voice cracked and I felt Devin's arm wrap around me.

"Would you like to know what happened?" he asked me. He looked towards my mother who gave him a nod of approval.

"Please." I whispered.

"Your sister is a very brave girl." Roller put his hands in his coat pocket and continued. "She was walking home from a friend's house when three men stopped her. They tried to rape her and she fought them off. She actually fought them off." His voice was in disbelief. "They beat her good for it though and left her in the street." He smiled while saying the next thing. "She did however get us some good evidence to catch the guys. She got a handful of hair and got some DNA under her fingernails."

"Is she going to be okay?" I asked through my tears.

"She's a strong girl," He smiled. "She'll be fine."

"Can I see her now?"

"Go ahead," Rolled stepped out of the doorway.

"I'll be right out here waiting," Devin said giving me a smile.

I smiled back weakly and stepped into the room.

Did I mention I hate hospitals? I hate the smell. The smell of plastic and bad cafeteria food. I hate the feeling. Most of the time you're only at a hospital because of a tragedy (births are an exception of course). Most of all I hate that people die here. Yeah, people die everywhere in world, in the most random places. But when people die in a hospital, you're saying goodbye to them; watching them fade away.

My eyes scanned the room and fell upon Emma lying in the bed.

My face scrunched up as a sob escaped from my throat. I ran to the bed and threw my head into her shoulder crying.

I felt Emma shake beside me. She was crying too.

I lifted myself up to look at her again.

I was looking at a beaten version of myself.

My left eye was swollen to a point that I didn't know what possible. It was already bruised and tears streamed from the closed eyelid.

My head had a huge gash that had been stitched up.

My lip was stitched up from my nose to the bottom of my top lip. It must have been completely split open.

My neck was bruised. I studied the bruises more closely and saw the bruises were in the shape of handprints wrapped around my neck.

I didn't care that all of this was done to my body. All of this happened to Emma. She felt this pain.

"I'm so sorry," I managed to choke out.

"I'm the one that should be sorry," Emma said. Her voice was so weak that it made even more tears come to my eyes. "Sorry for the way that I've treated you all of these years." She raised her hand and put it on mine. "But I want to let you know that it wasn't because I didn't love you sis."

I couldn't reply. I couldn't talk if I wanted to right now. I would just scream and cry.

"Did Detective Roller tell you what happened?" She asked. I nodded my head. "Well the same thing happened to me a couple of years ago, except I couldn't fight them off that time."

I stared at her in disbelief.

"You-you were raped?" I stuttered. "And you didn't tell me?! You didn't tell anyone!?"

I was furious at her for that. She couldn't trust me even back then?

"I didn't want to have to hurt anyone Addy!" She raised her voice and I backed down into my seat. "I was already hurt enough by what happened to me. How would you have felt if you knew? You would have been hurt. Mom would have been hurt. Dad would have been hurt. No one needed to suffer like I did!" Emma took deep breaths trying to calm down, the heart monitor beeping crazily behind her.

"Emma," I said. "I know that you were trying to protect us, but we needed to help you. If you would have told us then maybe we could have helped you cope with it."

Emma didn't say anything for a second and then snapped her head up to look at me.

"I couldn't let them do the same thing to you that they did to me," Emma said tears filling her eyes again. "I couldn't let them turn you into a monster too." She closed her eyes and sobbed, not trying to hide her face.

I wrapped my arms around her and cried with her til we got all of our tears out.

"Thank you," I told her while we were still hugging. "You're not a monster. You are the best sister anyone could ask for."

"Thank you for putting up with me," she chuckled. "I love you sis."

"I love you too, twin." I said smiling.

I closed my eyes; a tear escaping.

I opened my eyes.

I was laying down in the hospital bed.

I was looking up at Emma's shocked face. Emma had her body back.

Then I must be...

The pain hit me like a tidal wave. I let out a scream and held my hand to my eye. It was throbbing. With every throb a wave of pain flushed through my body.

Well, I'm back in my body now.

I just really wish I wasn't in all of this pain.


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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 09, 2009 ⏰

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