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teksty, na które czekam jeżeli chodzi o finał drugiego sezonu haikyuu!!:

- "with this, it's one win and one loss. don't be too pleased with yourself" "...I'm not."


- "Isn't the place i am at the strongest?" "tch! you're still the same. you're so confident to the point where it's ridiculous. ..."insignificant pride", huh... well, you aren't wrong. listen, Ushijima. I have never once though that I made wrong choice. my volleyball career is far from yet. this "insignificant pride" of mine... you better remember it."

- "my kouhai... he's not smart at all. not to mention, he's noooooo match for me. however, he's not alone right now, an he's really strong. together, even a pack of crows can kill an renormous white eagle."

- "i'm asashi azume from idkkkkk junior high! i used to attack from the fourth spot! please purple foot!"

- "sigh. karasuni has fallen".

- "our goal is the win nationals!" "wel, yeah. isn't that obvious?"

reszta mi do szczęścia niepotrzebna.

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