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Complete Dedication Page

I really needed a dedication page because some amazing people have dedicated their time into reading/voting and commenting on my book.

You all made such a big difference to me and you guys have brought my story up!

You guys are super cool and I want to send a couple hundred virtual hugs over to you for being so supportive.

YourCinnamonRoll - You really know how to paint a picture inside a readers head with details. <3

rachelmahoney55 - You've got really interesting story ideas ; good luck bringing them out! <3

arctic_aesthetic - Having someone praise me so much and asking me for advice is really heart touching. Hope you learned something valuable! <3

Niramor - The way you describe your characters are so detailed! It helps me picture him. <3

startedat13  - Your narrative writing is to die for!! I can really connect with your characters. <3

Xx_ScorpioRocks_xX - Great starting to your stories! It makes the reader (me) want more! <3

cerise4angel - Your cliffhangers are killing meee but they're amazing nonetheless. Keep it up! <3

xxxFCUTExxx - Amazing writing! Being in Alana's shoes, I would be very overwelmed. <3

PistachioJoe - Ahaha the classic break up and ex's. I love reading them because they're so full of drama! <3

tomlinsonsoul - Aww the relationship between them is so sweet! I love reading books with different perspectives. (If only guys would be that awesome in read life) XD

DreamyChocolatx9 - Interesting writing choice with the time beside each paragraph! Love it! <3

Cupcakeiz_ - Thank you for being my Instagram friend who has supported me throughout! <3

And I also want to throw the dedication out to three of my friends who supported me throughout the writing.




P.S. Go check out their books.

And now I'm officially signing out, knowing that the amazing people have been recognized.

Thank you. 💕💕💕

Signing out, 03/26/16
- Sophia // SecondsTooLate

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