It's unfair: A letter to the attractive

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Dear pretty committee,

You need to understand something. The problem is in your bloody standards. It's not my bloody fault that my nose is the size of Jupiter and my legs are too fat. I'm a human just like you and I need to be loved. You made love look like an emotion available just for higher classes. Since when do we even have classes? Since when do my fat thighs make me less valuable then you and your perfectly shaped legs?

I put the equal amount of effort into looking good as you do. In the morning, I do my hair and make up, I eat healthy and I exercise. My grades are as good as yours. But still, I get no cards for Valentines and I spend Friday nights alone.

It's not fair how you can get anything you want just by looking good. You haven't done anything to deserve it. You haven't done anything to deserve happiness, yet, you have it. I started to hate myself because of you. I started to feel as a third wheel where ever I go. You make me scared and anxious.

You can get away with anything thanks to your looks. You can be dull, unoriginal, boring, mean, a cheater... Doesn't matter. You are still wanted and loved. It's not only about dating, you have more friends too! I try so hard. Oh, so hard. Always smile, look approachable. Nope, still not good enough. Not skinny enough.

I want to be loved, kissed, hugged, worshiped... I want a rose for Valentines, and guys all over me. I want those compliments on Facebook. People are shallow. They just don't get it.

I don't want to be alone anymore...

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