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"...and you're in a coma, but since it's what you last remember that's the problem, it's like you're coming back to life," she surmised in horror.

"The irony is that my real comfort is drowning. When I die, I come here. But when I wake up, I'm struggling for air and it's just pain."

Camila winced. "God, I can't imagine how that feels."

"I think you do," Lauren said quietly.

"What do you mean?"

"You know very well what pain feels like."

Camila guarded her eyes. "I guess, but what you're describing-"

"Is not worse than trying to talk to a person who can't hear you." 

She shrugged her shoulders in a self-deprecating manner.

"It's not his fault."

"He knows you."

"Yes, he does know me, so he knew arguing against it would be pointless," she retaliated curtly.

Lauren sighed. "I didn't mean to imply-I'm sorry."

Camila shook her head. "Don't be. Any other person would say the same thing, that I'm insane or stupid or I'm playing the martyr card."

"I don't think people who play the martyr card actually go ahead and die, though."

Camila smiled.

"Maybe it's duty or love, maybe I really am crazy, maybe I like the pain-" she sighs,

"-I don't know. I don't know, Lauren."

But when Camila turned her head, Lauren was gone.

2 minutes, 10 seconds (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now