The Giver; after.

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Jonas walked into the house.
Inside was dancing, fun, music, girls, color, girls, warmth, girls, parents, girls, babies, girls-
Jonas! Stop that! Jonas scolded himself. Still... He smiled and opened the door.
A little boy came to meet him. "Hello Jonas!"
"It's Jonas!" Someone called.
Jonas was confused. How do these people know my name?
"Jonas. Jonas Jonas Jonas Jonas Jonas! Jonas! Jonas! JONAS! JONAS! JONAS! JONAS!" The crowd of people cheered.
"I apologize for not knowing, but, where am I and how do you know my name?" Jonas asked, realizing he was still holding Gabriel.
"I'll take Gabe." A girl said. She had dirty blonde hair, blue eyes like Jonas and the Giver and Gabe, and was wearing a dress.
"Thank you." Jonas smiled.
"To answer your question, Jonas. This is Elsewhere." A man said that Jonas recognized as Roberto.
"Elsewhere?!" Jonas exclamed.
The crowd nodded.
The girl with blue eyes led another girl with blue eyes up to Jonas. "Rosemary, this is Jonas. Jonas, this is Rosemary. And I'm Sharon." The girl-Sharon-said and walked away.
"R-Rosemary?!" Jonas gasped.
Rosemary nodded. "How's the Giver?" She asked.
"Great." Jonas replied. "How's Gabe?"
"Doing good." Sharon said. She was holding a plate and gave it to Jonas.
The plate was filled with food.
Jonas ate quickly.
Caleb, the boy that had recognized him, walked up to Jonas. "I'm Caleb!"
"Are you all alive?" Jonas asked.
Sharon smirked. "Yep."
"But how?"
"I stick a needle in then they're alive."
"In this house?!"
"Yep. The garbage chute leads here."
"Need anything else, Jonas?" A young girl said.
"What's your name? I apologize for not knowing." Jonas said.
"Oh, no apologies here Jonas!" Rosemary said.
"Okay..." Jonas said.
"It's like with the Giver. All the rules apply here, for all of us. Here there is no release and you may lie." Sharon smirked.
"Oh." Jonas said, then asked. "Is Gabe ok?"
"He'll be fine, Jonas. Now, come here, sit by the fire." Rosemary and the young girl made room for him.
"I'm Lilly! I got released 'cause I was sick!" Lilly said.
Jonas blinked. "Hey! My unit sister's name is Lilly!"
Lilly nodded.
Rosemary smiled. "Lily, why don't you show Jonas his room?" She asked.
"Ok! Follow me, Jonas!" Lilly ran to Jonas's room.
A bed sat in the corner and a shelf stood next to it. This shelf was full of animals.
Jonas's eyes widened. "Wow. I have never seen so many animals!"
Lilly smiled and picked one up. "What's this one Jonas?" She asked.
"That's called a elephant. That was Lilly's comfort object." Jonas explained.
"That's my favorite animal!" Lilly exclamed.
Jonas smiled.
The wall next to the shelf was full of pictures. Pictures of Jonas, Asher, and Fiona. Pictures of Jonas's parents and Lilly. Even a few pictures of Gabe and the Giver with Jonas where there.
The wall next to that had a window and a desk. There were books stacked onto the desk.
The next wall, opposite from the bed, held the door and a t.v.
The last wall held another shelf full of toys and a dresser.
"Lilly! Time for bed!" Rosemary called.
"Coming! Can Jonas read to me?" Lilly asked.
"Sure." Jonas replied, smiling.
"Come on, Lilly-Billy." Rosemary said. "Time for bed."
Lilly walked to her room.
Jonas also walked to it too.
"Can Jonas read to me?" Lilly asked again.
"If he wants." Sharon replied.
"Oh, I don't mind." Jonas said.
"Yay! Read me this one, Jonas." Lilly brought a book over to him.
Jonas looked at the book. The title was: The Reciver of Memory. Jonas blinked and started reading.
It didn't take long to read, and Lilly was soon asleep.
Jonas smiled and hugged Lilly gently. "Night Lilly." He picked up her comfort object, a lion, and placed it right next to her.
"I'm going back tomorrow." Jonas announced.

The Giver: afterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin