Chapter 1

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"Why? Jonas, you need to recover and let people think you..." Rosemary trailed off.
"Think I'm dead? I have to go back!" Jonas said.
"Jonas. You need to rest and recover. Don't forget, you were in the snow for a long time." Sharon said, glancing at Jonas with worry clear in her eyes.
Jonas sighed. He knew the girls were right, yet he wanted so badly to get back to the Community and see if the memories were restored. "Alright." He agreed, sitting down in a chair near the door.
Caleb looked at Jonas. "I drowned when I was four!" He announced.
Jonas managed a smile at the little Four's enthusiasm.
"Hey Jonas. Do you know how to dance?" Sharon asked suddenly.
"Why?" Jonas asked, suspicious.
"Oh nothing." Sharon's smirk revealed the answer.
Jonas grinned, he was suddenly reminded of his Lilly, his sister.
"We can go back in a week." Sharon said, gazing around the house.
"A week?! But-" Jonas was cut off by Sharon.
"Jonas, you need to recover. That cold did more damage then you realize." Sharon sighed, moving behind Jonas.
"What are you doing?" Jonas asked.
"I'm showing you one of my memories." Sharon said and placed her hands on Jonas's shoulders.
Jonas found himself in a community. With a jolt, he realized it was his community! His blue eyes took in his surroundings. Sharon was standing next to him and started to run. Jonas found himself running with her, racing side by side.
Sharon looked over to Jonas. "Hey Jonas! Want to play Animal?"
"Sure!" Jonas replied.
"I'll be Wolf." Sharon said and bared her teeth.
"I'll be Elephant." Jonas made a trumpeting noise with his mouth.
The two played, joining other kids who played too.
Asher, one of Jonas's best friends, was Snake.
Fiona, another one of Jonas's friends, was Bird.
The four Twelves played together.
Jonas sensed time had passed when Lilly came out to play.
Lilly was Monkey.
Lilly, Asher, Fiona, Jonas, and Sharon played until night had fallen.
They said goodbye to each other and went to their dwellings.
Sharon ended the memory, smiling with delight.
Jonas laughed with amazement. "Wow. That was fun." He admitted.
Sharon nodded, still grinning. "Yeah. It was."
A wail from the house stopped Sharon and Jonas's conversation.
"Gabe." Jonas ran back to the house.
Sharon followed Jonas back to the cabin.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2016 ⏰

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