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Blake pov
So church camp is over and now I'm packing to go home " hey Blake " Jacob smiles " hey " I smile back " so now that we are best friends and you know a lot about me and I know a lot about you of you want to go out on a date with this to night  " Jacob asks " sure I would love too" I smile " great I will pick you up at 7:00 " he asks " yes that's perfect " I say and he walks way and the girls come over and I keep smiling " what's wrong with you " Destiny asks " I just got ask out on a date " I look at them " what who asked you " " Jacob" " that's amazing " Maegan jumps up and down " what do I wear " I ask " ok when we get home we are staying the night and helping you out because we wear dresses and you never seen a dress in your life " Isabel says " yes I have reminder at moms funeral I wore a black dress " I say " does it still fit " Maegan asks " yes " I say " we'll wear that with those mint green converse " Isabel says " yea I think I will " I say and went back to packing " does Alex and the guys know" Destiny asks " I'm 14 I don't have to get my brothers say in crap anymore " I state " dad" she asks " we'll maybe but Clara will back me up " I say and she nods and starts to pack

We got home and I and unpacked and the girls had to help me find the dress. We finally found it, it was under my softball, soccer, and football stuff " ok go put it on " Destiny says and I walk to my bathroom and put in on and walk back out " that looks perfect on you" they squeal " really " I ask and walk to me body mirror and look " wow your right I do " I say " now it's 6:58 put on your shoes " Isabel says and I grab my mint green converse and put them on and it was 7:00 and the door bell rang " I got it " Alex yells as I walk down stairs " Jacob what are you doing here" he asks " I'm here to get Blake " he says and Alex looks at me " dad Blake's going  on a date " Alex yells through the house and my bros run from where every they where and dad and Clara come out " I know I'm letting her " dad smiles " what she's to young and look at that dresses it's way to short " Bryce says " no it isn't " dad says " can I go now " I ask " yes Blake love u have fun " dad kisses my head " not too much fun you are 14" Cole says and I glare at him and walk out the door " sorry about that" I say " it's ok " he says " so what are we going to do " I ask " we are going to see a movie " he says " what kind " I ask " the Mocking Jay part 2 " he says " you are a Hungry Games fan" I ask "duh who isn't ?" He says " I love that movie when it first came out I had a huge crush on Gel then when Petera came in I fell in love " I awe as we walk in the theater and got are tickets and went in and sat in the middle row and it started. We are in the middle of the movie when Gel killed Prim and I started to tear up " are you tearing up " Jacob asks " no " I say " sure" he laughs " why r u staring to know that I'm tearing up" I ask looking at him " because your beautiful and I had to stare" he says and I look way blushing " aww did I make Blake blush " Jacob coos " shut up " I look at him and he grabs my hand and we ineter-twined are fingers and finish watching the movie

The movie is over and we are standing outside my door " Jacob I had a great time " I say " me too we should do it again sometime" he says " how about Wednesday at 6" I ask " great" he says and he leans in and are lips touch but then the door opens and Alex stands in the door way and we lung back " doesn't fell nice out here this evening " Alex asked " I'm going to go see you Wednesday Blake night " he says and walks way " night " I mumble and turn to Alex

Alex pov
I was watching Blake and Jacob from the peep-hole and right when they were about to kiss I opened the door and the lunge back " doesn't fell nice here this evening" I ask " I'm going to go see you Wednesday Blake night" Jacob says and walks away and Blake turns to me and pushes past me and walks up stairs. A couple mins later she comes down in short - shorts and a 5SOS tank top " Hey Blake " i say but she acted like she couldn't here me and keeps walking " hey Blake " Bryce says but she doesn't talk to him and grabs a water bottle and jumps on the I- landed  and opened the bottle and took a sip " how was the date " Andrew asks and she doesn't reply " hey Blake " Cole smiles and still no talk then Drew Cody Reese Kade and Jake asks her how was it or hey and she doesn't talk " BLAKE ARENT YOU TALKING TO US " Reese snaps and she looked at me and he guys did too " what did you do to Blake to make her not talk to us " Reese asked " we'll I kinda watched them in till they were about to kiss and I opened the door " I say " do you know that her not talking to us because of you sucks  " Kade said " so she will get over it it's not like they were going to last " I yell " how do you know we were have fun in till the ruined it and we did make plans to go on another date but he probably says he can't go BECAUSE OF YOU" Blake screams with auger i never seen Blake this mad but she did get mad one time and I thought that was has mad she could get; it was when mom was a live we were at the beach and Cody pushed her in a deep hole that him and Reese dig and she couldn't get out and me mom and dad had to get her out and when we did she tackled him 5 year old Blake tackled 11 year old Cody the QB of the football team and yelled at him " Please he would have kissed you and that can't happen because leads to what me and Stacey did " I yell back " we'll I'm not like you, I have common since " she says and jumps down and runs up the stairs and slams her door " ok dad's going to be out of town for a very long time and I'm going to be at college most of that time so Bryce you are the bods when I'm not here Andrew you will help Bryce " I say calmly then walk out the door

Bryce pov
" ok beds now I'm going to go to Blake " I say and we walk up the stairs and I go to Blake's room and knock on the door " Blake it's Bryce " I say " come in " she mumbles and I open the door and she was laying in bed out her back facing the door " can we talk" I ask " sure why not " she says and I go to the other side of the bed and crawl under the covers with her and lay my head on a pillow " dad's going to be out of town for a long while and Alex is going to be at college most of the time so I'm the boss and Andrew is going to help me " I say to her " ok " she nods " what did you and Jacob do " I ask " we went to see Mocking Jay part 2 and I teared up with Gel killed Prim " I say " what! Thanks for ruining the movie for me " I groan and she laughs " did y'all hold hands" I ask " yes" she says " did y'all kiss before y'all got back home " I ask " nope" she says popping the p " we'll good I'm going to bed night " I say kissing her cheek and walking out

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