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Blake pov
I woke up with Jake in my room " what are you doing " I ask sitting up and rubbing my eyes " Bryce won't wake up and I'm hungry " he wines so I got up and went to his and Andrew's room. I walk to his bed and started to shake him " get up get up get up get up " I yell jumping on his bed " get out" he yells " no because you are the adult in this house and we are hungry so get up and make breakfast" I yell and he got up and dragged his feet down the stairs and into the kitchen and their was a knock at the door " I got it " I say and to the door and open it and their stood John " Kade's is in his room " I say moving out of the way " umm I'm here to see you" I says " what why me " I ask " we'll I was wounding if you want to go out on a date with me this Wednesday " he asks " umm I have something planed on Wednesday sorry but I'm flattered " I say and he nods and walks away " Ohhhh rejected really painfully " Kade says and puts his hand over his heart and the guys come in laughing " shut up at least I'm not like you over there dating 30 girls at the dang time " I say " hey it's not my fault that really hot girls want to go out with me " Kade smiled " we'll I know a girl that really likes you" I say " who!?" He ask wide eyed " no I'm telling, but good thing you have all of those really hot girl that want you " I smirk and walk outside and to the trampoline and the guys walk outside too " hey get of that you still have your boot on" Bryce command " don't get your panties in a twist I'm not putting any weight on my foot " I yell and he mumbled something " fine" I say and get off the trampoline and sit a pool chair and Cody and Kade were throwing a football; I got up and walked over right when Cody threw the ball and I cough it " hey! You block me " Kade wines " yep " I say and threw the football to Cody and he cough it " good throw " Bryce smiles " I did play football " I say in a duh tone " IM HOME" Alex's yells walking through to gate of the back yard " hey " the boys say " Blake " he asks " Alex " I say not looking at him and look way and he sighs and walks in the house and we follow " so Friday there is going to be a dance " Cole smiles " so are you going Blake" he adds/asks " no I don't have a boyfriend to go with and the Squad is going but they have dates and they will be kissing all night " I say " I thought you and that Jacob guy were dating " Alex asks " no he hasn't ask me out " I smart off " really" he asks and I nod my head " hey what about Trenton he has a super crush on you " Kade says " I don't know and y'all are not friends so why would set me up with someone you hate" I ask " whatever" he says

I'm so so so sorry for being late! I'm a bad writer and I'm 11 not 13 14 15 16 so I can't write dirty stuff so it's kinda hard and stuff. So I'm going to take a break for a while and focus on Magcon Sister and Girlfriend and I'm also writing a new book after this book and MSAG (Magcon sister and girlfriend are completed. So yeah

Live u guys Vote plz y'all keep me going. 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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