Day 1

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I didn't think of myself as anything other than his best friend. The one he always calls 'Candy' because he claims Christopher is 'Way too hard to say!'. The one I've known as long as I can remember.

I doubt he feels the same way I do about him. I guess I imagined my last year of high-school to be spent with him, as a couple, but I never got the courage to tell him or more so because I knew he would take it the completely wrong way.

So my last year started. We stayed being just friends, I was content with just having him beside me as my friend, instead of taking the risk of him not feeling the same way and us going our separate ways. I don't think I could handle us being Christopher and Kelly, and not Candy and Kells.

I sighed in frustration again and again as the day dragged on. It was the first day of school so I could not understand why we had homework. I slouched further into my desk, groaning as I thought of what Kelly would be doing. He was a sophomore, so he was like four hallways away from me. I groaned internally and glanced at the board, where the teacher was bullet pointing the rules for the school year, like every year. Seriously, we are seniors, this is the fourth time we have heard this, not to even mention the times the teachers repeat the crap.

I slapped my chin into my hand and stared blankly at the teacher. She fiddled with her glasses and had some weird fetish with her hair, which she was constantly combing her fingers through. When she broke the chalk on the board her free hand would swipe up to erase the smudge, knocking at the name tag dangling from the left side of her shirt. Her top two buttons were left unbuttoned to try to enhance her flat chest, cougar, it was obvious she was interested in half the boys in the class as she kept 'discreetly' rubbing her chest against them. I yawned and as soon as the bell rang, I was at the door.

I arrived at my locker, only to see that Kelly was waiting there for me. He waved frantically at me. He looked the same as always. His short brown hair feathered around his face, and his green eyes darting around excitedly. His shirt was slightly un-tucked and his bag was slung over his shoulder.

"Candy! Candy! Guess what!" I sighed and ruffled his hair. "Hey!" He cried pulling at my hand. I chuckled. He puffed out his cheeks and crossed his arms. "You didn't guess."

"Hm, let me see, did you get a girlfriend?" He furrowed his brows and tapped his temple.

"Nope, that's not it." I tapped my chin.

"Did you fail a test?" He shook his head. "Well, I doubt you would have been happy 'bout that anyway."

"C'mon Candy, I know you know!" He said, happily bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"Of course I know you were crowned king of the school. Good job, Kells." He tackled me into a hug.

"It's just Student President!" He laughed.

I ruffled his hair again, "Of course it is."

"Candy! I'm so happy, now I can approve your club!"

"You know you don't have to do that."

"But I want to!" He scrunched up his face.

"Okay. Whatever you want." I said with a slight smile.

"Aha!" Kelly pointed a finger at me. "You smiled!" He grinned. I shut my locker and turned to leave. Knowing he was following, I continued down the hallway.

"Hey Candy! Can we go to your house?" He asked running to catch up with me.


"Yay!" He skipped ahead of me and pushed open the doors. "Brr. It's cold!" I chuckled.

"It's snowing, Kells." He grabbed the front of my jacket and unzipped it. "What are you doing?" He shivered and stood on my toes. Turning around he stuck his arms down against my stomach and re zipped up the jacket. "Do you really think I can walk like this?" He nodded making the top of his head slightly touch my chin.

"Candy is strong isn't he?" I sighed and stepped out the door.

"Kells, turn to the side." He stepped down off of my feet and turned to the side. I slipped my hands inside of the jacket and picked him up. He wrapped his arms around my neck and smiled. "Warm now?" He nodded, I was actually not surprised at how light he was, as we went through this routine daily, he was one of those kids that developed late, so he had the body of a prepubescent sixth grader, even though he was already in the tenth grade.

"Candy can we make snow angels?" I tucked my chin into my neck so I could see him. I would love if he could stay this cute, but when he matures, he will probably be taller than me, given that I'm not exactly the tallest male you'll ever meet.

"Tomorrow we can, are you spending the night?"

"Yeah! I think." He mulled over his thought for a minute before looking back up at me, "Hey, I always forget to ask but when I am about to ask I forget too." Typical Kelly.

"What is it?"

"How come you cut your hair?" He asked pulling out an arm to touch my dirty blonde bangs.

"Just felt like it." I said, putting him down on the steps. I pulled out my keys and unlocked the door. I picked him up again and entered the house.

"Well, I liked it long."

"Then I'll grow it out again. It's really not that big of a deal, Kells." He unzipped the jacket and I put him down.

"It is too a big deal!" I patted his head.

"My mom made cookies last night." His eyes lit up, and he forgot about the conversation, darting to the kitchen.

"They're chocolate chip with oatmeal!" My lips instinctively curled. My mom must have known he was coming over, neither of us like that kind, but it's Kells' favorite.

"There's milk in the fridge!" I called, slipping off my back pack and flopping back on the couch. Kelly came back with the phone pressed between his face and his shoulder while balancing the plate of cookies and a glass of milk.

", no, yes? No! Yes, mom I'm just staying over at Candy's,..oh...mhmm...yeah..., why?.... Oh, okay, I love you...mkay, I already said, byebye."

"So what did she say?"

"I can stay! Hey, what are you watching?" He asked setting the plate down and easing himself down beside me.

"Some Christmas movie."

"Oh, do you want a cookie?" I shook my head. He shrugged and dunked another cookie into the milk. Snow angels tomorrow it is then.

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