I'm Fine With It

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I watched Kelly run around and belly flop into the snow. His face stayed in the snow and I began to worry if he could breath when he suddenly jumped up with a grin on his face. I shook my head, he grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the ditch just behind my house.

"Watch this Candy!" He jumped and slid, tumbled and spun. He ended up face first in a puddle of partially frozen water. I slowly made my way down to the middle of the ditch where Kelly was laying. I poked his shoulder.


"Candy!" Kelly sat up and wrapped his sopping wet arms around my neck, successfully drenching me in the below zero degree water. He sniffled and pulled off his soaked scarf. I chuckled and pulled him up.

"Are you okay?" He nodded. "Let's go get some hot chocolate."

"Yay!" So we trudged back up the ditch and headed in my house where my mom was reclining on the sofa, watching sappy romantic movies.

"Hey boys, have fun in the snow?"

"Yep!" Was Kelly's chipper response. I nodded and headed to the kitchen to make the hot chocolate. "Candy!" I looked back at him. "I want this many marshmallows!" He flashed his fingers multiple times. I laughed at him and nodded.

When the hot chocolate was done, and Kelly's was drowned in marshmallows, we sat on the couch sipping it and watching my mom's movies. The couple on the TV screen leaned into one another and kissed, I felt jealous of them, for I couldn't kiss the one I was in love with. I sighed and immediately felt my mother's eyes flash towards me.

Kelly's head bounced onto my shoulder and I turned to see my mother smirking at me. I rolled my eyes at her and shook Kelly's shoulder. Even though she knew I loved him and that he was too dense to notice, she still said nothing and continued to silently support me. A shuffling caught my attention and I looked up to see my mom standing up. Even though she was being lazy and didn't even wash her face, she was still beautiful, her auburn locks that framed her glossy muddy brown eyes, the only thing that I inherited from her. He laced her hands together and stretched them behind her, before yawning and announcing that she was going to go take a nap.

I nodded and shook Kelly's shoulder again. Giving up on waking the sleeping boy I covered him up with a blanket and proceeded to sprawl out on the recliner. I sipped on my hot chocolate, and watched cartoon characters hit each other and yell. My eyelids grew heavy and I eventually fell asleep. When I awoke, he had curled to the end of the couch and grabbed some of my blanket, I smiled and ran a hand through his hair.

Candy and Kells, that's all we'll ever be, but I think I'm okay with that.

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