Author's Note

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Hello readers! Finally it's done after fifty-five chapters! Thank you so much if you've read it all! That means you were there when Chase was just a simple happy crush, you were there when Ace was this weird non-crush and you were there when shit started to get real with Chase. Basically you've been through an emotional roller coaster with main character-san and thank you so much for staying with her even when there were times where even I wanted to shake her by the shoulders and say, "DUDE, HE IS SO NOT WORTH IT! WHY DO YOU STILL LIKE HIM?!"

This book is really special to me because it will be the first story I have ever completed (Realizations doesn't count cause it's a poem :P) on Wattpad. I know, I have another account but I've never actually completed a story there. Meeting Josh Hutcherson has been on hold for like 4 years now. I am such a good author. *note the sarcasm* So yeah, thank you for reading my first ever completed book! Yay! More to come, I hope. :D

Okay, so I said this was 'sort of' based on a true story, but the truth is, it is a true story. It's not just mine, it's yours too. I've had so many people come up to me and say "That is so me! I can totally relate to this!" and it warms my heart to know that I've put into words what a lot of other people have felt. I'd like to think I gained friends from this book. :) I don't think I'll be able to write a sequel because I feel like it's finished already. Also since this is based on a true story, I have no idea what Chase was thinking so yeah... Sorry! X"3

So yeah...thank you so much for the support! It's only been three months since I've first published this and it's already reached #180 in Short Story! HOW CRAZY IS THAT?!

If you guys have any questions about the book, about me or anything feel free to ask me and I might even the a q&a chapter! :D

Oh! Before I forget, I uploaded a chapter before the twelfth letter so go check that out too. :D

Happy Birthday to me! I have one more announcement to make so stay tuned!

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