2. Leah Starr - A Joy Ride

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Leah sat her large glasses on the tip of her round nose and obscurely looked over its thin rim and the nature magazine she was holding to hide her face. London Whitney, internationally famous singer and pain in Leah's butt, sat two rows ahead of her. This wasn't the first time that Leah would be getting dirt on London.

She was currently the music industry's biggest teen star and attention seeker. It wasn't hard to dig up some morally questionable things about London and to write a good story about it. She practically handed the stories to the media on a silver platter. But lately reporters had been having a hard time with legally getting a story out of London.

Her career was hanging on a thin string, due to her bad temper, huge outbursts, and countless other things. It wasn't the image her label was trying to portray. They wanted someone who was innocent, sweet, and caring, someone that little girls could look up to. They picked the wrong person. Leah was seated in Gate 52A at the LAX airport.

She tugged at the collar of the green turtleneck she was wearing, the material irritating her skin. The thing was so itchy. This character was Leah's least favorite to disguise as whereas the superhero she rarely dressed as was her favorite, but either way they both got the job done. Leah was dressed as a stereotypical nerd. Her night-dark hair was covered with a brown wig that was styled in two messy lopsided pigtails.

Lucky (another one of Leah's friends) was a big-time makeup artist in Hollywood and had skillfully given Leah a new face. The mask was full of acne, had a larger than life nose, and bush gardens for eyebrows. It was hideous. Leah's best friend and sometimes partner, Alex, was wearing an earpiece.

He hiding behind a plant holding up a small video camera that would be used to record Leah's upcoming encounter with London. He absentmindedly scratched the top of his head, his scalp covered with short and thick dark brown hair. He was handsome and had smart features, dark brown eyes, a thin nose, squared jaw, and his skin was kissed with an olive complexion.

Leah spoke into the tiny microphone that was disguised as a mole positioned under her bottom lip, testing out the recording device that was connected to the Alex's earpiece. He was rarely the one who went out into the field. Alex mostly stayed in the shadows while Leah did most of the dirty work.

After a few moments, he sent Leah two thumbs up and smiled hugely, his idea of a great signal. She rolled her eyes and was unable to stop a smile from spreading across her lips. Leah got up from her chair, looked over at London, and smirked maliciously. It's show time.

As Leah wobbled pass a little boy he yelled out, "Mommy, look at that ugly girl!" she immaturely stuck out her tongue in response.

As Leah passed by a few more people, they sent her disgusted looks. People were so shallow. Underneath her ugly costume was a beautiful person on the inside and out. She trudged over to where London was standing. Screaming fans and security guards now surrounded her. Annoyed with the crowd, Leah began bulldozing her way through the hysterical people.

She eventually was able to make it to the center of the circle after being shoved, poked, elbowed, and after suffering other various abuses. London finished scribbling her name in the notebook of a little boy or girl (Leah wasn't exactly sure of the sex of the child). Leah then came face to face with the pop princess. London grimaced and eyed Leah's character warily, "What can I do for you? Autograph? Picture?" she asked perkily, but took two steps back.

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