This Moment

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Soft, delicate like tiny electrical charges are what pulled her from slumber. A touch that trailed down her bare skin and then back up again. Fire brought on by callused fingers that belong to the man beside her sharing the bed.

Fighting the pull to fully wake up , Isa buried her face further into the hot flesh and sparse hair beneath her. Her angelic features resting right above his steady beating heart. The melody a lullaby to her dormant hearing. Her own feminine fingers guiding over his left pectoral.

A voice laced with sleep, raspy in nature and coated with his native accent called her name as she mumbled his name back in a breathless whisper. Gentle and quite as if she had not spoken at all. Eyes still shut tight from the world around her.

"Wake up, Love" was spoken close to her left ear. Those callused fingers of his now stopped traveling at the nape of her neck, pushing into her ebony hair. Isa groaned, nuzzling against his warm skin, determined to ignore him and settle back into a peaceful dream filled sleep.

Weathered, warm and moist lips coated with a coarseness of his facial hair pressed against her high cheekbones. His fingertips beginning to travel once again, tracing a path down her spine feeling every ridge, dip and grove until his palm spread wide on her lower back.

In a muffled and mumbled mess only two words were identified by his ears, his name and the word "Sleep."

A deep chortle arose from his throat, his right hand lifting from the mattress to brush her hair away to press his lips beneath her ear the vibrations of his chest jousting her head pulling her further from dreamland.

"Owen." Isa groaned, turning her head further into his chest as her bee stung lips made contact with his skin, tasting the light sheen of sweat that still clung to his flesh and her nose filling with his masculine scent.

Mimicking his own actions her hand shifted lower trailing his torso, her soft, sensitive fingers traveling along hard plains of muscles and various amounts of hair until they stopped, curving inward to rest on his abdominals.

Her slender thigh moving further up his own, toes curling under touching his calf. Eyes still closed shut, Isa traced the path of hair beneath his navel and below following it scraping her nails, scratching his skin.

"Are you awake now, Love?" Owen questioned with a hint of arrogance behind his word, taunting her for the almost unconscious way she was touching his body.

Tilting her head upwards, Isa placed her lips on the hollow of his neck. Peppering butterfly like kisses, as light as a feather. A husky moan left his parted lip as she touched a particular sensitive part under his ear.

Without thought, almost like a reflex, Owen lowered his grip to hauled her body up and closer to his own.

Full, thick midnight lashes fluttered from their resting place over sharp cheekbones, finally opening to the light of the afternoon that illuminated their bedroom, streaming through the thick material that was not pulled completely closed over the glass pane windows.

Dark brown, almost black eyes revealed, blinking to adjust to the light shifted to finally connect with the mix of hazel that belonged to Owen.

"Good morning love or perhaps I should say afternoon. " Owen spoke, the right corner of his lips turning up in a sly smile. Pursing her lips while a slight roll of her eyes Isa responded with, "Had someone let me sleep instead of keeping me awake until dawn I wouldn't have slept so late."

"I do not seem to recall you complaining at any point throughout the night , I seems to remember quite the opposite." Owen expressed, as he threaded the fingers of his right hand over her left that rested on his stomach. His left hand moving to trace along her curves.

The Life She ChoseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora