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It was strange to think that only a year had passed since Owen had informed her of Letty being the F.B.I. informant. As much as she wanted to distance herself from the life and family, she had left behind in Los Angeles it did not mean she had not missed them.

Hearing the name Leticia Ortiz had sent her on a trip down memory lane, bringing forth images she had thought she long since bottled away. She now regretted making Owen, tell her the name, he was right, she was better off not knowing.

The problem was now she did know, and that was what was eating away at Isa. Could she really condemn someone that she had practically grown up with, that was a best friend to her sister Mia and herself, and also the girlfriend to her brother all because she went undercover.

Isa battled with herself on that from the time Owen left for the states to the time he came back home to her. Though it was upon his arrival that she was truly shocked. He had not returned alone.

With him was a face she remembers, who had not changed the least bit in the five years that had passed since Isa had been gone. Letty Ortiz.

Turns out the accident that was meant to kill her, that had landed her in the hospital had rendered her with no memory at all. Therefore, no reason to be killed, at least that was how Owen had put it.

A tiny part of her heart like to think that maybe he kept Letty alive because of his love for her, but the majority of her brain informed her that without a memory Letty really was perfect for his crew.

And so here Isa set, in a warehouse in Moscow, Russia awaiting the return of Owen and his crew from their latest job. An attack on a military convoy to steal a military Seattle component.

The jobs in the past few years had been small and were an easy in and then out, but as of late the work was more substantial and with that had gained the attention of one D.S.S. agent named Luke Hobbs.

To Owen this was of little concern, but for Isa, she was worried. Her life for the past six years had circled predominantly around Owen and the possibility that this American agent could take that away, take him away terrified her.

Sure, there was Riley waiting in the background, ready to infiltrate should Hobbs show his face but it still unsettled her.

The sounds of engines drew her out of her thoughts, her stare focused on the entrance of the building waiting patiently for them to come inside. It seemed only natural that Owen was the first through the door, followed gradually by the other members.

Though it seemed one was missing, Oakes was no where in sight. He was not one that she could easily forget, his resemblance, at least from behind was almost uncanny to her older brother Dom.

Watching Owen exit into an adjacent room, Isa followed, but not before offering Letty a small smile, happy she had returned unharmed.

"Where's Oakes?" fell from her lips, the moment she crossed the threshold of the room. Her question sent a hazel stare her way.

"I imagine in a holding cell right about now." was his response, gaze fixed on her as he leaned on the desk, which happened to be the only piece of furniture that decorated the room.

"A holding cell." Isa whispered to herself, almost in disbelief of what little emotion Owen had over the issue. "That doesn't concern you? With everything that he knows." She directed to him stepping further inside the room.

"Not really." Owen spoke, eyes cast down on the papers that cluttered the desktop. "Not really." Isa repeated his words again, shaking her head almost in shock at how he seemed not to care that Oakes being locked up could set in motion repercussions that they would be unable to get out of.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2016 ⏰

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