Happy Two Months

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You woke up in your but, however, there was nothing next you in bed. You got up and left your room. Once outside, you were met with the sound of someone throwing up in the bathroom. When you walk in, you see you girlfriend, of two months, Ino leaning over the toilet.

You: Good morning.

Ino: Hey... Happy two months...

You: Yeah about that, we need to talk.

Ino: About?

You: The possibility of you being pregnant.

Ino: I'm not pregnant... *throws up one more time* I just caught a bug or something.

You: Well either way, asked lady Tsunade if she'd check you out.

Ino: Oh God, why her?

You: Because...she might not kill us if she's the one that finds out for us... *you nervously chuckle*

Ino: Fine. When do we go?

You: Now, so get dressed dear.

Ino: Uhhh, why now?

You: The sooner we can find out if you're pregnant or not, the sooner we can stop stressing.

Ino: Fine, I'll go get ready.

You: That's my girl.

Later that day, the two you were in Tsunade's house waiting for her to return the news about your situation. As well as, the lecture about safe sex and what not. However, when she comes back, she didn't come back alone. Sakura and Shizune are now with her, both with concerning looks on their faces. This only made you more nervous. The room was silent until Tsunade broke it.

Tsunade: (y/n), Ino, I have good news and bad news.

You: Hit us with it.

Ino: Yes please, the suspense is killing me.

Tsunade: Ino, you're not pregnant you just have a case of the stomach flu.

You and Ino: OH THANK GOD!!!

Tsunade: However...

You and Ino: Oh crap...

Tsunade: Sakura, would you like to be the one to tell him or should I?

Sakura: No lady Tsunade, I'll do it...

Tsunade: Very well, Shizune, let's leave them.

Shizune: Yes m'lady. *the two of them leave the room*

You: Sakura...

Sakura: (y/n), Ino... I'm... I'm pregnant... *tears begin to fall down her face*

You: Oh shit...

A/N: Sorry for this being short but I felt like here was a good place to end for now. Idk  a cliff hanger just seemed right in this situation lol. How will you react? Will man up and be a father, or will you run away from your responsibilities? Find out next time one Dragon Ball Z hahaha.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2016 ⏰

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