01 - Declan

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I park my car in the garage before I check the time on my watch.

2 AM, it reads.

I lick my bottom lip briefly before entering the house. All the lights are dim, I try my best to not make any sound as it may wake my parents.

I suddenly halt on my track when I see my dad, sitting with one leg up, on one of the couches in the living room. He was staring out in the distance, before he notices my presence and averts his gaze towards me.

"Where have you been?" He confronts, his eyebrows creases into a frown.

"Dad, can't we at least talk about this tomorrow?" I run my hand through my hair, "I'm exhausted.."

"Exhausted, you say?" His tone is harsh, "what are you so exhausted of, huh? Wasting money?!"

He stands up briefly, walking around the room as the sardonic laugh left his mouth.

"I raised you to be a good guy, Declan. The guy who can control and manage his money, they guy who's willing to set up his own future." He shakes his head, "why are you like this, now? What did I do wrong?"

I lean my body against the wall, tired of having this kind of conversation. This isn't the first time we have this argument.

"You've gone too far now, young man." He looked at me sternly, "you're not gonna waste money anymore. You're gonna have to earn it."

"So what?" I reply sarcastically.

"You are going to work every Sunday in the sports club that I own, just across the street."

"As what? The manager?" I raise an eyebrow challengingly at him.

"As a lifeguard."

--/-- --/-- --/--

"Declan, honey, do you need me to take you there?" My mom asks in concern.

"No, mom. I'm good. But thanks for the offer." I smile at her before grabbing my bike and cycle all the way there since my car ran out of fuel last night.

When I enter, a man is standing beside the entrance door.

"Mr. Declan." He bows.

"Do I need to wear any certain attire for this job?" I ask, looking down at my white polo shirt and brown khaki shorts.

"No, Sir."

"Cool." I answer, looking around.

I lazily make my way towards the lifeguard chair. I take off my shirt and plug in my earphone, playing the songs from my favorite band. I put my sunglasses on and enjoy the sun hitting on my face.

I am caught back into reality when I feel someone poking on my feet. I look down and see a woman in her swimming suit, pointing to something which looks like a teen girl and an unconscious little girl.

In one swift move, I drag myself off from the chair and climb my way down. I stand beside the girl who's pumping the little girl's chest.

When she coughs the waters out, I breath out a relieved sigh.

Just a second later, I am taken aback because the teen girl suddenly stomps on her feet and lunges towards me. I lay flat on my bare back, wincing a little bit.

Be a man, Declan.

"Can you be anymore irresponsible, you moron?!" She snarls.

I stand up and see the girl is about to lunge her fist at me. On reflex, I catch if before it can hit my face.

"Can you please calm down for a minute?" I try to get her attention, as her face is looking straight down.

"Calm down?! You're telling me to calm the f-" she stops midway as soon as she catches my face feature. Her body goes weak in an instant, she is leaning onto my grip for support.

I steady her up before letting go of her wrist. She stumbles backward a little bit before making her way towards a bench.

I frown as I watch her, who is having a little problem to lift her stuffs up. I want to help her, but I remember that she just lunged herself at me a few moments earlier, so getting anywhere near her is probably not a good idea.

"Coach, I don't think I can continue today's practice, I'm sorry." She says as she walks away.

I watch her as she leaves the room.

Am I guilty?

Of course you are

But I never wanted this job anyway

That kid could've died!

I snap out of my individual debate.

"Do you want me to tell your dad about this?" The coach snarls at me.

I look at her in confusion. She's going to tell my dad? I don't even know her.

"I don't even know you."

"You don't have to."

With that, she leaves.

This chapter will be written in both point of view so I'll publish the other one soon!

P.S I know my story description sucks, I'll improvise it, do not worry! (And I know it's weird to see "Fallen by thefallenmist" in the cover)

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