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Life had been going good so far, missions had been going smoothly, everyone was bonding really well. In a such a shitty situation, the have managed to find some light, albeit it being small, they were determined to make it bigger and win this war, for the better. And hopefully get some damn peace and quiet.

Currently they were getting ready for a new mission, on one of Anabelle's hunting trips, joined by Donny and Utivich, the three had found a Nazi camp nearby, deeming it to be an unfair fight if only them tried to ambush, they went back to the base to tell the other's of their findings.

"So, how many did you say were there Donny?" Sezes asked Donny as she was loading her gun.

" Probably about 15" Donny replied, slinging his gun onto his shoulder.

" Two each, well... some people might get some more kills because others are slow" Anabelle interrupted, glancing at Astrid who currently had her middle finger up at Anabelle.

" Screw you Ana, I take my damn time because I can" Astrid said as she walked past Ana, putting her middle finger right into her face.

" Oh yeah, real mature Astrid"

" You fuckin' know it. SO PLANS! Kill any Nazi you see, but save at least a few for interrogation, try and avoid shooting any other team mates, including you Sezes, aaaand any questions?" Astrid asked looking around.

" Can we use bombs?" Zimmerman piped up

" Absolutely fucking not my man, LETS GO"

They all walked out of the base, pumped and ready to fight.


Most of the Nazi's were dead, Astrid had strayed from the team in attempt to catch one more, she was sure they already had hostages. She opened the magazine in her gun to see how much ammo she had left, she was out. Damn. She looked around cautiously, until she was tackled to the ground, being strangled by a man in Nazi uniform. Astrid punched and kicked but couldn't seem to loosen the tight grip around her throat, that is until and baseball bat came into contact with the side of his head, knocking him off. Astrid jumped to her feet, watching as Donny beat the living shit out of the man, like any normal person would do, Astrid joined in. She grabbed her gun and held the barrel, using the handle as a battering ram. They both beat the man until they were absolutely certain he was dead.

" Thank you... so much Donny" Astrid panted, rubbing her now raw throat.

" You alright doll?" He asked.

" Never been better mate" Astrid replied standing up fully and grabbing her gun. " Jesus we really messed him up bad didn't we?" Astrid said, looking at the bloody body in front of her.

Donny nodded in agreement and he began walking back to the others, Astrid ran after him and followed closely.

" Astrid! What happened! Your neck is bruised up!" Anabelle said, concern lacing her soft voice.

" I just got into a bit of trouble, but don't worry Donny saved me" Astrid replied looking back at said man.

" Jesus Astrid...he really fucked you up.." 

" Honestly.. i'm fine!" Astrid yelled, coughing immediately after.

Astrid turned around and look at two men, on their knees, sobbing like children. Astrid walked toward them and squatted in front of them, she lifted their heads up and spoke to them in German. One of the men spat in her face. Astrid wiped the spit off and took his gun from him, pointing it to his...lower regions. Fear enveloped his eyes as Astrid's finger started to slowly pull on the trigger.

" Tell me where the rest of you are stationed and I won't turn you into a woman" Astrid said threateningly, her dark green eyes growing darker with each word.

The two men stumbled over German as they both yelled out the answer. Astrid smiled and pulled the gun away.

" Now how'd you like to go? Gun or knife?" Astrid asked, pulling a knife out of her pocket.

Sezes looked down, Mariah kept her gaze on the knife and Anabelle was staring into Astrid's eyes. Astrid walked to one man, lifted his head up and slit his throat, the blood going everywhere and coating her face, body and hands in red. She never flinched, even when the blood hit her, none of the girls did when they heard the mans dying gasp and the other's loud sobs. War had destroyed their hearts and souls. Astrid pointed the gun to the second mans head and pulled the trigger, silencing him forever, she rose from her spot and wiped the knife on her trousers and looked back. Her green eyes peering out from the red.

" They are stationed 58 miles east" She said simply.

" The village?" Hugo said looking at the dead men.

" Seems like it"


It had been a few days since that mission and everything turned back to normal, everything was going well, everyone was getting along like they hadn't just seen Astrid murder two men. But that's war, you get used to the worst things in life, but not used to the best things, acts of kindness are acts of crime and acts of violence are acts of human nature.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2016 ⏰

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