There is something...

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((Hey its the Admin again

Theres something which bothers me a lot lately. I also read that all around different social medias.

The Shippings


Poland seems to be really excited for that topic

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Poland seems to be really excited for that topic...

Ugh well, so where should I start... Well, as you may know Im a ship neutral person. I personally don't ship anyone. Not Yaoi, not Yuri and not.... normal *cough* *cough* (The fuck?)

But well to be honest Im not really a fan of Yaoi in general. But this has nothing to do with my actual thing.

A lot of people are starting to fight with other ones about shippings. So much that some people were leaving the fandom. Some of them seem to be really rude if you don't ship the ship they ship. (THAT SENTENCE) I also saw on DeviantArt how users added these stamps of their favorite ship on their page. Thats totally okay but what I think is false is that there are also stamps with the ship and a red prohibition sign on it. I mean WTF?? Please dear humans be normal for once. The Fandom isn't everything on this world.

Can't you just fangirling without attacking each other with mean words just because someone doesn't like one specific ship? Or like me who doesn't ship anything?

maaaaan sorry but I needed to say that because this pisses me off so much.

Im sorry. And don't feel attacked please. Not everyone is acting like this :D

Still love you all *hugs*))

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