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Brendon hadn't left his room in what felt like forever. The only people allowed to enter were Ryan and family members. He was terrified to leave because of the constant texts from Dallon. No matter how much Brendon had blocked him or reported him or whatever, Dallon always found out a way to contact him. His mother and father still had no clue what was going on, but they brought him food and entertainment while Ryan brought over blankets and missing assignments.

Even though he was still scared, Brendon decided he would try to go out for a walk. Just a simple walk at noon, with sunlight and loads of people around.

It was Sunday, March 27th of 2016 when he got dressed and left the house with a note on the counter. March 27th. There was no significance to that date to some stranger. To Brendon, it meant nothing yet. It was just a normal sunny day.

He started his walk to the park. Nothing was happening, just some birds chirping and some kids running around. Brendon finally relaxed, the tension in his body was gone. He already felt better. Brendon started thinking that Dallon wouldn't act on his words. Maybe he was going to be okay.

He couldn't've been more wrong.

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