You feel the same way?

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As usual...Lucy was over at Schroeder's house, him playing the piano,her leaning over slightly resting her arms on the edge of the instrument.
Lucy:"hey Schroeder?"
Schroeder:"what do you want?"
Lucy:"you know..the winter dance?"
Schroeder:"yeah, what about it?"
Lucy:"well...I was wondering"
Schroeder looks up from his piano and shuts the lid gently, and walks over to his bedroom window, he stares aimlessly at the White balls floating in the ocean like sky.
Lucy:"would you..want to come with me to it...?"
Lucy walks up beside Schroeder and puts her hand on his cheek, rubbing it slightly with her thumb.
Lucy:"Schroeder..I..l-like you"
Schroeder looks at Lucy and takes her hands in his, pulls her in, and kisses her on the lips.
The kiss breaks, Schroeder lets go off Lucy's hands and looks back out the window like nothing happened.
Schroeder:"Lucy...of course I'll go with you to the winter dance"
Schroeder:"of course, I you"
Lucy:"all this liked me back?"
Schroeder:"yeah..I..was afraid to tell you.and if the others found out then if be made fun of..."
Suddenly a knock at the door is heard by the two, and opens gently to reveal Charlie Brown"
Charlie Brown:"hey, Umm were setting up the party now Schroeder"
Lucy:"argh! You blockhead!"
Charlie Brown:"what!?"
Lucy:"Schroeder and I were having a moment! You ruined it!"
Schroeder:"good grief, let's go Charlie Brown, I'm sure the others are tired of waiting any longer,come on Lucy"
Lucy:" fine, lets go you blockhead"

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