Living with memories

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"A month , Phew ! " Ron wrote in the last page of the diary that was void just a month ago. He had done the writing very generously as he did not want to miss any event that he wanted Saira to read about.

"Hey there !" Ron's viber blinked. It was Saira.

"Hey" Ron left a little lousy reply.

"It's been a month since you left , I hope the diary is coming tommorow ?" Saira was quick to reply this time.

"Yeah, will be shipping it tommorow." Ron texted back.

Ron missed Saira every moment . Why wouldn't he ? After all Saira was during all the ups and downs in his life. It was her who stood by his side when he felt like talking to somebody, expressing his dissatisfaction or his love.

Saira loved chocolates, Ron went to the supermarket to buy some chocolates for her. He gently wrapped the diary and the chocolates.

Saira recieved the diary after a couple of days. When she opened the wrap to her surprise there were chocolates in the box. She forgot about the diary for a while and started munching the chocolates.

She finished the chocolates in no while now she was all set to open the diary and read what Ron had written in all these days. As she flipped the pages of the diary the gentle smell of Ron's favourite perfume that came from the diary enchanted the enivronment reminding Saira of Ron.

Saira started reading the diary. Saira was deeply immersed into the diary , she could feel that Ron had put his heart out in words. Until that one page ...

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