i n t er v i e w

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"Your going to have to go to America for this interview." said Yeonmi, my co-worker.

"What? Why can't we just meet up somewhere closer? That's what I always do with other people."

"Mr. Lee is going to have a concert soon in America, and he would rather not leave the state he is in."

I sighed, deciding not to press any further. I've been a journalist for two years now and not once have I've been told to travel all the way across the country just to interview a celebrity. This is ridiculous, normally, me and the celeb would contact each other and set up a meeting in a city where we would BOTH travel. 

"Alright then, when do I have to leave?"

"Manager-nim said you have to leave on Friday at 9:00 AM Sharp, You're plane would be leaving at 10:00 AM." she handed me a pile of completed papers. I walked back to my office to leave them on my desk and went home. It was Wednesday, so I could pack today, and tomorrow's my day off.

"Jagi!! FINALLY! you take so long coming home, I had to make us food." Taehyung came from the kitchen hugged you from behind. Pecking his lips, you smiled.

"Isn't that nice for a change? You never cook dinner." I 'booped' his nose.

"Maybe because only you can make everything you cook taste like magic." he dug his head into my neck, hugging me really tight. It makes me feel special when he calls me sweet things or tells me things like this. Only Tae can make me feel this way.

We broke the moment and went to  the kitchen to serve us dinner. When we were eating, we were talking about how our day was. I took this as a chance to talk about my trip.

"Tae, I have something to tell you." He looked up from his plate, still eating and had some tomato sauce on the corner of his lip. 

"I'm going to go interview a person  on Friday, but I was told I have to travel all the way to America to do it. And of course, I accepted." Still chewing on noodles, I held his hand in comfort. 

"Aw, that sucks. Who am I going to cuddle with when I go to sleep for the next few days?" He pouted, finishing his noodles. I giggled at his silliness and held his other hand.

"Well, when i'm not here, you should hug the pillow I sleep with and pretend it's me. That's what I do when your gone." That made Taehyung smile.

"Maybe I will." I got up and put my dish in the sink. I went in me and Taehyung's room and got out a medium-sized suitcase. I neatly folded a few pairs of clothes and other necessities.

~The Next Day~

I woke up to the smell of freshly baked waffles. I got up and followed the smell to the kitchen, finding Tae trying to place a strawberry on a stack of waffles with syrup and whipped cream. It also had some popcorn sitting at the base of the plate.

"Good morning sleepyhead! I made us a together breakfast!" his deep voice  echoed throughout the kitchen. 

"I can see that." I took a seat and grabbed a fork. Grabbing a piece of the wonderful breakfast, I fed it to Taehyung, him  doing the same to me. This continued up until there was nothing but crumbs on the plate.

"Do you want to go anywhere today? You know, as a mini 'see you later' date?" Tae suddenly asked. 

"Of course! Do you want me to pick or do you want to take me somewhere in specific?"

"Hm, I want to take you somewhere. Get dressed." I didn't complain and went to put on something cute. 

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