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It's been three months since [Name] died.

My friends have tried to get me to talk or lighten up a little.

I didn't. I couldn't.

The first few weeks, I shut my self out. I didn't leave my room unless I had to use the bathroom or eat, in which I barely did unless Seokjin came over to bring me something to eat or cook for me. All I did was hug [Name]'s pillow and stare at the wall, Thinking of us. The first time we met. When we started dating. When I was stressed out over asking her out and how I struggled to ask. I laughed at few of them, remembering how some were funny and happy. I felt drops run down on both sides of my face. "Why did you leave me?" I whispered.

It's hard.

It's hard knowing that the one person hat made you who you are and is the reason for your smiles is gone forever. I twisted and turned, yet I couldn't find comfort. I sat down and banged my fist on the mattress. I buried my face and let it all out. My pain, my screams, my tears. I wish she was here. I wish she was right beside me, gently holding on to me and rubbing my shoulder and telling me everything was going to be alright. "Sh, hey, hey. Don't cry baby, i'm right here." She would say. I could already hear her voice trying to sooth me.

I pressed my hands against my face, rubbing the tears all over. I took a walk around the house and stopped at each room. Each one held an important moment, even the bathroom. I put on a sweater and head out for a walk. The air was cool and it was a bit dark, besides the many lights illuminating the streets. People played their music at the park, mothers were sitting on benches chatting while watching over the children play. Giggles, chatter and the smell of bread being baked filled the atmosphere. I didn't head anywhere in particular, my legs just took off while kicking small pebbles.

I ended up by the harbor. I sat down and let my legs dangle from the edge. I sat for a while, looking at the full moon. The atmosphere was different now. The sound of water moving gently, men chuckling as they fished from their boats and the seagulls singing nearby took on. It was a calm night. Grass aligned the cracks in the cement. Small flowers were growing, beautiful flowers. I picked one up and examined it closely.

Bubbles ascended into the air, and giggles were heard. A young couple held each other under a tree blowing bubbles. "This is the most cheesiest thing we've ever done." [Name] said. Taehyung grinned happily as he played with her hair. "You want to know what else is cheesy?" She turned to him and raised her eyebrows. "The first word of my last sentence." It took her a moment to understand, then playfully smacked the young man's arm. "Tae, your so you." She sighed. "Honestly, what will I do without you?" He looked down to her. "No, what will I, do without you?" The girl blushed in shyness. "Will you still facetime me when i'm old and wrinkly?" [Name] asked. "No, because as soon as I wake up i'll be seeing your beautiful face beside mine." There was a pause, before it was Taehyung who asked. "Will you still be my girlfriend in three years?" [Name] pondered for a bit, which made Taehyung nervous. "No." His smile dropped a bit. "Because i'll be your wife by then." Taehyung had his mouth ajar, but immediately grinned once again and knocked [Name] down in an embrace. They rolled down the small hill they had been laying on and laid there at the bottom in each other's arms. "That got me scared for a moment." he whispered. "How so?" She knew the answer, but what he said wasn't what she expected for him to say.

"Because I wouldn't want to lose you."

That was so long ago, two years ago. I set the small flower down and stared straight into the horizon. I can't wait until the next time I see [Name]'s beautiful face again. It could be any time. Today, Tomorrow, An hour, minute, or second from now. Maybe if she hadn't taken off her necklace off and given it to me that day, she'd still be here. In my arms and we'd still be cuddling together. "What would I do without you." I muttered. I got up and walked. I came to a stop in front of this structure by the edge of the harbor. I climbed the tall structure all the way to the stop. The air up here felt great. So was the view. Turning around, I can see the roofs of the buildings, and the city itself a few miles away. I looked at the sky. "Perhaps, I can see you sooner than I thought." I spread my wings and felt myself soaring in the sky.

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