Catching Feelings

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Lydia's POV

I woke up thinking about Stiles. During my classes I thought about that night after the party and the weirdness of our friendship. Did he really like me? Allison thought so, but did he really? And was I... starting to...

For some reason I wouldn't let myself admit it. It seemed to me that the longer I denied it, the faster it would go away. Maybe it was just one of those things where you don't really like the person, just the idea of being with them. Like a middle school crush or something.

Regardless, I thought about him all day and got really excited when Allison told me he was coming to dinner with us. Oh god, I was acting like a teenage girl. Despite the fact that I am one, I hate acting like one.

For dinner I decided on white high waisted shorts and an icy pink top with white sneakers. I did my makeup, focusing on every little detail, and straightened my hair. After about 5 coats of lip gloss and a spritz of perfume, I heard a knock at the door. I went to open it.

Allison looked at me like I was wearing a Halloween costume or something. "You know we're just getting pizza, right? What's with the outfit?" She stepped closer to me and took a whiff of my perfume. "And why do you smell like a girls locker room? Who are you trying to impress?"

"Nice to see you, too," I sighed. "And I can't look nice for my friends?"

"You can look nice for Stiles," she smirked.

"I'm going to kill you," I said, trying to hide the smile pulling at my lips.

"Can you do that after we eat? I'm starving."


"Alright, let's go. The boys are waiting in the car."

We walked downstairs to the parking lot. Isaac was in the drivers seat, Stiles sat in the back behind him. Allison got in the passenger side, which left me with Stiles. I sat next to him and put on my seat belt. He looked at me and smiled. My chest exploded.

"Hi," I said to him. "Hi, Isaac."

"Hey," he said, distracted while poking at his phone. Allison leaned closer to him and took it from him. "What are you doing?"

"You're getting directions to the wrong place," Allison told him.

"No I'm not, it's Angelina's."

"It's Vincenzo's."

Stiles rolled his eyes and I laughed. He started to sniff the air, then leaned closer to me. I raised an eyebrow.

"What is that?"

"Oh, um..." I hesitated. "My perfume."

"It smells nice."

"Thanks," I said. He smiled awkwardly, blushing, then turned his attention out the window. We were silent the rest of the ride, the only sound Allison and Isaac arguing over directions.

Sitting next to Stiles made me feel oddly happy, even if we weren't talking. Suddenly all I wanted was to be with him. Just sit next to him, talk with him, go somewhere with him.

Oh god.

hey guys :) I don't really like this chapter that much, it's kind of a filler. anyways, I'm on summer break finally! I'm going to try my best to update more often bc I'll have more time to write.

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