Happy easter!

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Everyone: Happy Easter!
Me:Wearing golden suit*Welcome! This Is a special chapter,we are including (Y/N)!
Phone guy:We are making chocolate easter bunnies!
Princess Alana:YAY!
Paris:Can me and Chris work together?
Me:Sure! Teamwork makes the dream work!
Fritz and jessi:We can make a cake to go with the bunnies!
Me:Hmmm,night I think you should work with mare
Night and mare:Okay
Princess Alana:Vincent we're making chocolate bunnies
Vincent:I know,and I'm going to use the stove when we make them
Princess Alana: We?
Taylor:Cute bunnies!
Jeremy:So cute!
Me:Wanna work with me and Scott (Y/N)?
Scott:*puts on red apron* ready
Me:*puts on golden apron* ready
Princess Alana:*puts on lavender apron* ready
Vincent:*puts on apron that says kiss the cook* ready
Paris and Chris:puts on silver and yellow aprons* ready
Doll:*puts on light blue apron* ready
Mike:*puts on dark blue apron* ready
Taylor:*puts on light green apron* ready
Jeremy:*puts on sailor moon outfit*(wasn't expecting that) ready
Jessi and fritz:*puts on orange aprons* ready
(Y/N):puts on (F/C) apron* ready
Me ok now that everyone is ready lets get the cook book!
Princess Alana:Ok!*gets cook book out*
Me:Ok put pot on the stove,add milk,sugar,cooking oil,coco powder,flavoring of your choice,and stir
Everyone:*does exactly what I just said*
Me:pour it into the mold and freeze for 3 minutes
Almost Everyone:*sticks separate chocolate bunnies in freezer
Paris and fritz:*finishing up the cake* Almost done!
Night and mare:*Sticks chocolate bunny in freezer*
Chris and Paris:*does the same thing*
Me:Decorate and enjoy!
Everyone:*eats chocolate bunny* Mmmmm!
Me:*mouth full of chocolate*Feel free to make your own chocolate bunny at home cause this is the actual recipe!
Everyone:*don't forget to ask and dare! HAPPY EASTER!

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