Marco finds out

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Marco was on his way home from karate class when a crazy green tornado spun past him. Was this the same green tornado Jackie and Janna were talking about yesterday? Only one way to find out. Marco followed the tornado to see that it was Star! She was all crazy and her craziness level is over 9000!!!!! (A/N: Sorry, I just had to do that) "Star?!" She turned to see her friend and her left eye twitched slightly. "HIYA MARCO!" She hollered. "Haven't you around lately, where have you been?" She said leaning on his shoulder. Star had a pretty crazy look in her eyes and a smile that says otherwise. "Star, I need you to calm down now." She tilted her head slightly. "Calm? Who's not calm?! I'm totally calm!" Marco ran from Star and headed to his house and ran for her room. He found the book of Norse Mythology and flipped through the pages hoping to find an answer to stopping Star and getting the mask off her. "That book ain't gonna do you any good." Marco turned to see Glossaryk. Of course he only answers to Star and found some chocolate pudding for him to get him to talk. "Here. Now talk." He said threatening him. "Okay, okay, I'll spill. That book ain't gonna help you. You need to find this guy." He got a picture of Loki.

"His name's Loki Laufeyson, he's the god of mischief and the one who can help you

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"His name's Loki Laufeyson, he's the god of mischief and the one who can help you. He resides in Asgard and you'll find him there." He gave Marco the picture of the trickster god and got Star's dimensional scissors and it's a miracle she didn't take them after she wore the mask.

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