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*Karin in MM*
*Los Angeles*

Michael POV:

I'm in a good mood. That Karin girl gives off good vibes. And she's smart so that's a bonus. She goes back to New York today so I figured why not take her out. Lucky for me, Angela has King...

Karin: "Since we here, I wanna know Michael. Cuz I know Tyga and Michael are two different people"

Me: "Well...Michael's a cool dude. I'm laid back. Crazy. I have some...off moments..."

Karin: "*laughs* I believe that"

Me: "*chuckles* It's very true. I'm blunt. So expect honesty from me....whether it's good or bad. You'll learn more along tha way. Tha shit I say and do is off tha radar..."

Our food came and she looked at me

Karin: "Just outta curiousity...have you ever cheated in your relationships?"

Me: "More like relationship. I chose to be single for a long time. But to answer yo question....yup"

She just looks at me

Karin: "Seriously?"

Me: "Yea. I did it for a long time. But it wasn't out tha blue like I feel like cheatin' today..."

Karin: "So what made you do it?"

Me: "Nothin'. *sighs* Umm. I know you know about my ex..."

She nods

Me: "But...before I got with her...I had this friend. We been cool for years. We were fuck buddies and best friends. So we were real close. So close, we moved here and lived together. Then I met Angela. We were togetha for two years...ends up pregnant. Now this gon' sound bad..."

She scrunches her eyebrows at me

Me: "While she was pregnant...I fucked my friend. More than once...."

Karin: "Oh my God"

Me: "I told you it would sound bad. But that's cuz it was bad. I just kept doin' it. I knew what I was doin'. I didn't care. Tha further it went...tha less I gave a fuck. Only cuz I didn't wanna be in tha relationship anymore. But I think I expressed that. It was so long ago I can't even remember. But my girl at tha time...was pushin' me away and we argued...accused me of cheatin' wit my friend. Even though I wasn't at that time. So I went back to my old self and said fuck it. I did some fucked up shit. Now she probably hates Christmas and Valentines Day. I was...a dick"

Karin: "Why would she hate those days?"

Me: "On Christmas, I left with my friend. Ended up fuckin'. And on Valentines Day...it was tha night of my friends weddin'....and uhh...you know what happens...."

She nods

Me: "Yeahhh. Durin' that....I ended up callin' her my friends name"

Karin: "Wow. Um. Your friend is a female, right?"

Me: "Hell yea! I love pussy. That is my life. I even owned a cat at one point and named it Pussy Cat just so I can say come here Pussy Cat. Sounds weird I know, but it's true..."

She starts laughin'

Me: "I fucks wit clits. I watch lesbian porn. I just love women. I fuck females. I wouldn't be talkin' to you if I was into niggas. I have a son...by my ex-girlfriend named Angela. Tha fuck?"

Karin: "Just checkin' cuz some niggas you gotta watch now and days. Cuz all tha cute ones, like you, are tha ones into other guys"

Me: "Well thanks for that compliment. But it's all good. I swear. I suck clits. Not dicks. This is Pussyland. Not Dickland. Is that clear? Cuz I can and will prove it to you. After two hours I'll make you feel like a different woman. You'll be thinkin' you lost yo virginty again"

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