Chapter. 3

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I groggy woke up to see that Aaron is not by my side. 'That's weird?' I think in my head, I slowly sit up, trying to remember the direction of the house that I am now accompanied in. As I start to walk down the hall I can smell the faint aroma of pancakes, OJ, and bacon. I tilt my head up in a way to try and smell the food better. I swear, Aaron must be stalking me he already knows me to well.

As the small pitter patter of my feet going down the steps, I can smell other things cooking, eggs, sausage. How much can this man make? I question myself as I assume he has only been awake for a short amount of time but apparently not by the smell of the foods.

"Why hello there." I hear him say in a deep, oily, raspy morning voice. "Hi, why did you make so much food?" I question getting straight to the point. "well, I didn't know what you liked and I honestly just took a guess."

"So you had no clue that I literally likes every thing you just made?" I question with a half smile, tilting my head to the side as I can hear Eggo Waffles popping out of the toaster. "I don't know what to do with you." I mumble to myself as my half smile becomes a full one.

"So, why don't you dig In?" He questions me, tilting his head from the frying pan, over to me. "But, you're not done cooking, and in my old house, we never ate when people were still at the table." I answer with a small smile turning into a frown.

'My family is dead now, everyone. Mom, Dad, My younger brother Mark' I try not to let tears drip from my eyes so I keep a happy smile and move on with it. Thank god he doesn't know a fake smile from a real one, or, that's what I thought.


I turn to see Aphmaus eyes watering, and to my surprise, she puts on a smile that almost convinced me, almost. I look over to see her smiling up at me, but then turning around. She's going towards one of my cabinets, looking for a plate I assume.

"Two to your right." I say not looking away from the eggs that I'm trying not to burn. I was able to make everything easily but eggs always got me when it came to making food. "Thank you!" She said, in a happy cheery voice.

"So why don't you get a plate out for me please and then set them out and help set the table." I asked in probably the most polite voice I've used so far being in this house. "One problem with that." Aphmau said with hesitance.

I turn around after turning off the burner that was cooking our eggs to see Aphmau trying to reach the plated that were on the bottom shelf. "Wow, you're shorter then I though." I said with a half smile, half smirk.

"Hey! I don't want to hear it from you, you." She said failing to intimidate me. "You, what." I said with a whole smile. "YOU EGG BURNER!" She screeched, I turned around only to see that I didn't all the way turn the burner off.

'Shit' I think as I hurry over to the other side of the kitchen and tur the dial all the way off. "Got you know huh?" She questions, now wearing the smirk that I had to happily placed on my lips. "Look lets just eat, everything but the eggs, and then we can go off and actually learn stuff from my boring school.

I started to get two more eggs out to cook, seeing that we might have time before the school bell rings. In about an hour we have to get ready and walk to school seeing that my car has been totaled.

"Hey look, since you don't want to eat alone, and you need to eat. How about you come over here and sit on the counted well I cook the rest of the food." I state just wanting her near me to be honest.

"Aaron, I don't know if I can even eat half the stuff you have put out on display." She says in astonishment. now that I think about it, I did cook a lot. I laugh and tell her to get over here as I pick up her small waist and put her on my counter.

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