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By: Samantha

You call me disrespectful

But, is it me who's disrespectful or is it you?

I know you don't respect me, so why should I respect you?

My respect is earned, not assumed

It is not earned by a fancy title or being older or wiser

Just because you're a mr. or a mrs., a principal or a teacher, a boss or a manager doesn't mean that I should automatically respect you

Because you don't even respect me because I'm a child, a student, a teenager, a silly little girl

Well my words and feelings are just as important as yours

I respect those who respect me

I respect those who nod along when I talk

I respect those who are able to say "Oh, I was wrong, you were right"

I respect those who care what I have to say

I respect those who want the best for me, who try to find my successes, not failures

I don't respect those who dance along to a song in their head when I talk

I don't respect those who always think I'm wrong and ignorant

I don't respect those who think everything I say is small and unimportant

I don't respect those who look for my flaws and slip-ups, instead of my
triumphs and successes

I may just be a silly little girl, but my beliefs and input and words have meaning

And I believe that I will never respect you until you can respect me

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2019 ⏰

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