Tequila Mockingbird

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"This is really your first sip? Of anything?"

"No shit, Lucy I'm 15 years old. I'm not even supposed to be here."

"Hey don't complain, Tay. If it weren't for the greatest older brother ever, aka me, you wouldn't even be here."

"Oh Chris give the child a break. She's in high school for crying out loud. This is a college party. You shouldn't be dragging her here. You shouldn't even be here considering you're still in high school too." Lucy Vives pulled Taylor Jauregui in for a hug while the music kept blaring through the speakers and the guests kept drinking, swimming, and dancing. Chris Jauregui just rolled his eyes.

"Aw come on. She needs the experience. Someone else in this family besides me needs to be partying. We all know Lolo has no life to have time for fun."

Oh the things he doesn't know. Lucy thought to herself.

"True that. But her and the girls are so successful, we should be happy for them. They're not throwing parties twice a week during summer like us losers. They're actually working hard and making money."

"Yeah I get that, but they need to let loose on those girls for once. A break would be nice." Chris ran his hand through his brown hair filled with a few highlights from being out in the sun. He was your typical beach jock. He was always showing up to any party on the beach, along with his buddies and dumb t shirts they wear.

"Maybe so. Okay Tay, now, it won't taste good I promise you. Just forget the taste, and if it becomes too strong I have a lime for you. Also if you're feeling nervous about it lick your hand and pour salt on it then lick the salt right before the shot. Got it?"

"Got it." A fifteen year old Taylor responded confidently.

"And another thing, you can always hold your nose while you're taking the shot, but that takes away from the first time experience. Your choice." Lucy prepared the shot glass with tequila. Her sandy brown hair falling over the bottle.

"Okay moommm no need for all these instructions. It's a freaking tequila shot."

"Zip it, Jauregui. She's like my little sister too so I just want her to be safe. I don't know if she's a lightweight or not so she could well get drunk on this one shot." Lucy shoved Chris's shoulder. He loved when she was mean to him. He thought it was hot.

Both families knew of Chris's fascination with the beautiful girl. It was always a joke that the two would get married, even though he was two years younger than her. That was, until one day, about two years before while Lauren was in LA with her group, Lucy went to their house for dinner and Mike Jauregui, Chris's dad, kept talking about what their wedding would be like. Lucy never knew if their parents were kidding or actually serious about that. She was getting a little aggravated, and creeped out so she just said, "Well that's a nice wedding, but you would have to set me up with someone more, I don't know, female." Two forks could be heard being dropped on plates, and they were coming from Mike and Chris.

"See I told you honey. I knew you should've stopped pestering the poor girl about marrying our son. You sound like a 1500s King looking for his princess daughter a husband. It's creepy." Clara Jauregui threw her hand on the table, embarrassed by her husband. Chris' jaw was dropped.

"But hey I mean you have a daughter my age so it's still possible to set up that dream wedding with me you're planning. I'm sure it would be nice." Lucy's sarcastic tone came out sweet, and Clara laughed at it. Mike chuckled. They didn't understand that she was being smart with them, because she was kind of aggravated with them.

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