Chapter 1

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Garcia's POV:
The team had just gotten back from a grueling case. My baby boy came to check up on me as I was packing up to go home. "Want to walk to our cars together baby girl?" He said. Of course since I was incredibly in love with him I sad "Why my chocolate thunder I would love to."

I went to go unlock my car and gasped at a very sharp pain I felt in my chest. "Hey baby girl are you ok?" He asked. "I don't know" I said. Then everything went black. The last thing I remember was Derek yelling for help.

Morgan's POV:
So many thoughts were running through my mind. Was she going to be ok? How bad is it? Will I get to tell her that I love her? Why is the ambulance taking so long?

Finally they came. She was still unconscious and her heart had a murmur. I was asking the paramedics all these question, but no one was answering me. They just kept saying "we're doing all we can." Once we got to the hospital they took her to the back to run some tests.

I was so mad at myself. I may have just lost the only thing I love in this world and she doesn't even know it. Hotch called me. I slowly answered. "Hey" I said sluggishly. "Morgan you need to get to the office we have a case." He said urgently. I proceeded to tell him "Garcia fainted and she is getting some tests done. I think it may be serious. I'm at the hospital now and I'm not leaving!" He frantically said. "Okay I'll get the team there right away. Another team can take on this case. No more cases until she wakes up."

Hotch's POV:
After I got off the phone with Morgan, I told the rest of the team and we hurried to the hospital. As soon as we got there everyone in unison said "How is she? Is she awake? Do they know what's wrong?" Derek said "No I've been here for an hour and no one has said a thing to me" JJ said. "I'll go see if I can find anything out."

I noticed how stressed out Morgan was, he was passing back and forth, occasionally punching a wall or two. I was about to approach him when the doctor came out. "Penelope Garcia" He said. Morgan rushed over and asked "Is she ok?" The doctor said. "She has a condition called caffeine overdose. It's pretty rare. It occurs when you take in to much caffeine that it goes way over the daily recommendation. Symptoms of this are chest pain, irregular or fast heart beat, and trouble breathing. In this case Ms. Garcia has all of these symptoms. She will be ok as long as she keeps track of her caffeine in take." "Ok, so when can we see her?" Derek asked. "Well, she needs rest so right now I only recommend one person." The doctor replied. "I'm going" Derek said. "Ok, follow me sir"

Morgan's POV:
"Hey baby girl" I said once I got in there. "Hey handsome" she replied, still drowsy from all the blood being taken.

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