Chapter 7

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*Nico's POV*
God damn it. God dam it all

Octavian is making us move in together.

No actually correction. Octavian is making Will move in with me.

He checked out both of our apartments and he determined that mine as bigger and he's making Will move in.

Right now Will is putting all of his shit in. There's boxes everywhere. And I mean everywhere. On the couch, table, chairs, there's even a box on me.

Why does this kid own so much stuff

VV is helping him move it all in. All I've been doing is sitting on the couch watching T.V. drinking a beer. That's probably why VV put a box on me.

"You know you can help out a little" I hear him say to the left of me.

"No thank you that's a mans work" I say taking a sip

"Aren't you a man?" He questions

"I'm a bottom" I reply

He huffed and got back to work.

And I continues to sit and sip

I watched mindless television till they were done.

Octavian gave us his good luck and left.

Will kinda stood there looking at me nervously

I silently looked over and saw that he was rocking on his feet and fiddling with his fingers.

I got the box off me and walked over to him.

He peaked up at me and sadly looked down "I'm sorry I got us into this mess" he mumbled

I sighed and put my hand on his shoulder "It was both out drunken faults. We got to just live together for a few months. Okay?"

He nodded his head sadly.

"Here I got a plan." I said taking his elbow and sitting him on the couch

"Here's what we have to do. We gotta live together for a few months. Just a few months. Then we fake a fight in front of VV and then one of us yells "'I want a divorce"' and then other one yells out "'Fine'" and then we pretend that this is something VV can't fix and we get divorced and end of story." I explained to him. With every sentence I said his eyes looked... Sadder.

Why does he look sad? I don't get it. But I decided not to say anything about it because this whole thing is kinda a mess. But I still wanted his approval of this plan.

"Is- Is that okay?" I asked carefully

He nodded his head and whispers a weak Yes. Then he seemed to me thinking a little bit before taking a deep breath and saying "So where will I be sleeping"

*Will's POV*
I don't wanna get divorced. I was so happy that I was moving in with Nico. I wanna be closer to him. I was maybe..... Hoping.... I could... Perhaps.... Sleep with him...

NOT IN A SEXUAL WAY. Just in a relationship way. I just want my arms wrapped around him as he snuggles into me looking for more warmth.

Is that to much to ask for?

Well all I have to worry about is unpacking.

I took a deep breath

"So where will I be sleeping?"

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