It All Started With A ... Light Bulb? (A 5SOS Fanfic)

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Hi, this is my first 5SOS fanfic and I hope you all like it! This chapter is giving you a little background info and Lola meeting someone in particular!!! Read to find out…..

I stepped off the plane and breathed in the warm air, I had finally made it!

 Ever since I was 12 I vowed myself that the moment I turned 18 I was moving to Australia because I was fed up of London, the fake friends and the ex boyfriends who treated me like shit so  I wanted to get away from that and what’s a better solution to move half way around the world!

 My parents were workaholics- always at work, they go on countless trips that come out of nowhere they go at 7am and come back at 10pm so I spent a lot of time on my own which I hated. I was always freaked out and that’s were I think I started to become rebellious so my parents would notice me but when they got an angry phone call home from my teacher, mum or dad would just give a tired sigh and say the same thing over and over again “Don’t do it again”.

 So after 4 years of trying to get there attention I gave up at 16 and just remembered that once I was 18 I was out if here and I think that’s what kept me going…

Anyway were was I….

I stepped off the plane and breathed in the warm air, I had finally made it!

I quickly went to pick up my luggage. I was buzzing I was finally doing what I had been waiting for God knows how many years! I picked up my baby blue mini from the car pick up (Sorry I don’t know how the car thing works) and slung my luggage in the boot and drove off.

I worked countless mind numbingly boring jobs to save up for Australia and my parents helped me out a bit as well so I could afford a decent flat. I pulled up outside my block of flats; I parked my mini, got my bags and tiredly went up to my room as I had really bad jet lag even though it was only 2:45pm!

As I opened my flat door the smell of roses hit me and I smiled roses are my favourite flower. I dragged my luggage into the living room and noticed that the theme was light blue and cream it was gorgeous! But I felt so exhausted that I went straight to my bedroom and fell asleep with a smile on my face because my dream had just come true!

I woke up and the first thing I noticed was it was pitch black so I fumbled around trying to find the light switch and when I tried to put it on it didn’t…

“Uuggghhh” I screamed kicking the wall, this is NOT what I need to ruin my first day. Then the door bell rang, I sighed in frustration and luckily the hall and living room light worked.

As I opened the door I was faced with a boy around my age with green eyes and messy hair.

“Hello…?” I asked unsure of why he was at my door especially because he was good looking - wait I must look like shit! I tried to fix my hair with out being to obvious.

Then he laughed this amazing laugh and held out his hand “I’m Ashton Irwin and I’m your new neighbour!”

Remember to vote, comment and follow me! Love you guys <3 thank you for reading! Xx

It All Started With A ... Light Bulb? (A 5SOS Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora