27 The Calvary Arrives

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**** Brett waited just off the helo pad and watched as a large military chopper hoverd above it. Nine men, all in black seemed to almost glide down to the ground on ropes.

It was one of the coolest things Trish had ever seen.

"You used to do that?"

He nodded with a smile on his face. "Yes, 'am, and a whole lot more."

He saluted a man in his forties. Trish was stunned. She thought that all SEALs were built like her husband and Nico. Nico wasn't tall by any means, but he was solid with muscle, just like her brother.

This man....well, he was tall and lean. Not at all how she would picture a SEAL.

Davis returned the salute and held out his hand. "Good to see you again, Montana."

"And you as well, sir."

Trish looked up at her husband, "Montana?"

He grinned, "That was the handle they gave me in BUDS."

"What....not Cowboy or Bronco?"

Davis chuckled, "No, ma'am. We already had a Cowboy at the time."

"D'," Brett smiled, "I'd like you to meet my wife, Dr. Patricia Blanton."

"Wife?!" Another voice called out. It belonged to a bear of a man. Tall, African American thick with muscle. She had the feeling he could carry both her and Brett.

Brett grinned, "Well, I'll be damned!" He said and took the outstretched hand.

"Mouse....why aren't you off sippin' a pina colada on a beach some where?"

Mouse glared at Brett, "I was, damn you! Then D' called me in for this campin' trip. Now what's this about a wife, and who's that pretty little thing leaning on the squad car?"

Brett turned and smiled, "That... would be Koni, our Sheriff...."

Trish was overwhelmed. One by one she met the SEAL Team. Three of the men were Brett, Nico, and Mouse's replacements.

The last of the nine men surprised her more than any of the others. His handle was Angel. Ensign Angelo Santiago, Puerto Rican American. That wasn't what surprised her though.

No, what surprised her most was the German Shepard that sat obediently at his side.

Beau stepped behind his sister-in-law and let out a mock groan of discust. "Great....more Frogmen. Just what we need."

"Hey, you're the champion bull rider!" One SEAL pointed out.

"So you're this losers baby brother." Said another.

Beau smiled at the men in black.

"Guilty on all counts. Although, it's been a mighty looong time since someone called me a baby brother and lived."

That brought a round of laughter. After Brett introduced everyone Sheriff Koni and Beau brought everyone up to speed on the facts of the situation.

"We have extra horses for all of ya. It's likely to be a long trek." He told the SEAL team.

D' answered,"That's what it sounded like when Montana first told me about it. My guys are all comfortable on and around horses. I just have to remind you that while we want to help all we can, if we get orders we'll have to leave regardless."

"We all understand that sir, and we all appreciate any help you can give us." Brett said.

Koni spread a map out to show everyone where the kidnapping/murder took place and where tracks had led them thus far.

"We've had campers and hikers come up missing. From the reports they gave family and friends of the routes they were taking, it looks this area here," she drew a circle with her pencil could be a good place to search. It was Wolf Mountain.

"That makes sense," the SEAL leader said.

"We're fortunate in that everyone here knows how to track, gather evidence and remain as silent as possible." Koni added. "We have volunteers from my people who will also join in the search, and more who will stand guard at the ranch. My brother will be available for too days."

One of the SEALs looked at her questioningly, "What happens in two days?"

"He gets deployed." Brett answered. "So we'll be one man down."

Koni nodded and looked at the SEALs, "We should remind you that we'll be going into very wild country. We have bear and cougar and it's their domain, we're the interlopers. I imagine Brett told you this gang uses a breed of huge, trained timber wolves. So be aware."

"We're going to mix and match teams so that we have every level of training and experience on each team and the legal right to arrest, as well as medical assistance." Beau told everyone. He was looking tired. Those were his daughters out there, his friend and ranch hand that had been gunned down as he tried to protect the girls.

Bear came loping up on his large black stallion. He alighted before the horse had even come to a complete stop with a buck skin bag. Handing the bag to his older sister, the Sheriff he said,

"I got every mic and earphone receiver we had in the supply room and extra batteries too."

"Good thinking, Avon. With all the walkies we have and the team's equipment we should be able to stay in contact at all times."

They gathered in a circle on last time to ask for guidance, wisdom and protection of themselves and of the girls. They asked Christ to lead them to the girls, find and extract them safely and to apprehend the gang with no loss of life.

* * *

One of the hardest parts in chosen which hands to take was difficult for Beau. Everone wanted to go, even the newly hired seventeen year old Ian.

It was unknown how long they would be gone and duties and chores had to be carried out. Horses and cattle had to be fed. Stalls had to be cleaned, the four cows had to be milked and the dogs fed.

But above all, the ranch and residents had to be protected. The gang knew Beau, his men and the Sheriff would be out looking. It made sense that the gang might think the ranch and houses might be left ungarded.

As much as Yancy wanted to go, he felt his place was on the ranch. Little Charity was just beginning to feel comfortable in her new home and he felt that with Rowdy gone, his presence was particularly needed. Beau reluctantly agreed and had Yancy choose the men he felt could best carry out the ranch duties while protecting the ranch and those who lived there, the children in particular. Every one left on the ranch was cool under fire and an expert shot. Beau stipulated that every hand and as many women and older kids know how to shoot with accuracy and protect themselves and their families.

My Cowboy Is My Hero  (3B Ranch Series Book 5 3B Hero Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now